試題 :
The Final of Reaction Engineering (Class 2)
6/18/2014 10:20~12:10
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1. The formation of propanol on a catalytic surface is believed to
proceed by the following mechanism. Assume surface reaction is rate
limiting step and derive a rate law.
O2 + 2S ←→ 2O‧S
C3H6 + O‧S → C3H5OH‧S (rate limiting)
C3H5OH‧S ←→ C3H5OH + S
2. A recent study of the CVD of silica from silane (SiH4) is believed to
proceed by the following irreversible two-step mechanism. This
mechanism is somewhat different in that while SiH4 is irreversibly
adsorbed, it is highly reactive. In fact, adsorbed SiH2 reacts as fast
as it is formed [i.e., r*SiH2‧S ~ 0, by PSSH], so that is can be
assumed to behave as an active intermediate.
SiH4 + S → SiH2‧S + H2
SiH2‧S → Si + H2
(a) Determine if this mechanism is consistent with the following data:
[hint: assign a rate-limiting step and derive a rate law, then check
it with data]
Deposition rate (mm/min) 0.25 0.50 0.75 0.80
Silane pressure (mtorr) 5 15 40 60
3. The acid-catalyzed irreversible liquid-phase reaction, A → B, is
carried out adiabatically in a CSTR. The reaction is second order in
A. The feed, which is equimolar in a solvent (S, which contains the
catalyst) and A, enters the reactor at a total columetric flow rate of
10 dm^3/min with the concentration of A being 4 mol/dm^3. The entering
temperature is 300 K. What CSTR reactor volume is necessary to achieve
80% conversion?
Additional information: ΔHRX(300K) = -3300 cal/mol-K, CpA = 15
cal/mol-K, CpB = 15 cal/mol-K, CpS = 18 cal/mol-K, k(300K) = 0.0005
dm^3/mol-min, Ea=15000 cal/mol.
4. The adiabatic equilibrium conversion for the reaction, A + B → C + D,
is carried out in a series of staged packed-bed reactors with
interstage cooling. The lowest temperature to which the reactant
stream may be cooled is 27℃. The feed is equal molar in A and B, and
each reactor is 100% efficiency in conversion. The feed enters at 27℃
and the reaction is carried out adiabatically. If four reactors and
three coolers are available, what conversion may be achieved? Use the
following information, ΔH°RX = -30 kcal/mol A, CpA = CpB = CpC = CpD
= 25 cal/mol-K, Ke(50℃) = 500000, FA0 = 10 mol A/min.
5. The first-order irreversible exothermic liquid-phase reaction, A → B,
is to be carried out in a jacketed CSTR (i.e., with coolant). Species
A and inert I are fed to the reactor in equimolar amounts. The molar
feed rate of A is 80 mol/min. What is the reactor temperature for a
feed temperature (T0) of 450K?
Additional information: ΔHRX = -7500 cal/mol, CpA = CpB = 25
cal/mol-K, Cp inert = 35 cal/mol-K, τ = 100 min, k = 0.0066 min^-1 at
350K, Ea = 41000 cal/mol, coolant temperature Ta = 300K, UA = 8000