[試題] 102下 陳俊全 偏微分方程導論 期末考

作者: SamBetty (sam)   2014-06-29 11:48:22
試題 :
Choose 4 from the following 6 problems. Each problem counts 25 points.
(1) Solve the problem:
︴ 2
︴u_tt = c u_xx, 0 < x < 3, t > 0

︴u(0,t) = u(3,t) = 0

︴u(x,0) = 0, u_t(x,0) = x

(2) Use the method of separating variables to solve u_xx + u_yy = 0 in the
disk {r < a} with the boundary condition
u = 1 + cosθ on r = a.
(3) Solve u_xx + u_yy = 0 in the square {0 < x < 1, 0 < y < 1} with the
boundary conditions u_y(x,0) = 0, u(x,1) = x, u(0,y) = 0, u_x(1,y) = 0
(4) Solve u_xx + u_yy + u_zz = r in the spherical shell {a < r < b} with
the boundary conditions u = 5 on r = a, u = 0 on r = b.
(5) Find the Green's function for Δ on the disk {|(x,y)| < a}.
(6) Prove the strong maximum principle for harmonic functions: Let D be a
connected bounded open set and u be a harmonic function on D which is
continuous on D = D ∪ ∂D. Then the maximum value of u is attained on
∂D and nowhere inside unless u is a constant.

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