[試題] 102上 周必泰 普通化學甲上 第一次小考

作者: JPGstar   2014-10-17 10:53:37
試題 :
(total score: 100)
1. Write down both symbol and full English name of a. Alkali metal families
(10), b. the first row transition metals from atomic numbers 21 to 30
(20 points)
2.Write down the full English name of the following compounds (20 points):
a. KMnO4, b. NaHCO3, c. Na2CO3, d. Na2S2O3, e. Na2S, f. K2Cr2O7 g. BaCrO4,
h. ICl3, i. Na2O2, j.NaClO4
3. Write down the formulas for the following compounds:
(chapter 2, exercise 53 and 57, 10 points)
(a) Potassium hydrogen sulfite, (b) Lithium nitride, (c) Laughing gas,
(d) Gypsum, (e) Sodium hydride.
4. Briefly explain why simply analyzing the isotope (such as 12C versus 13C)
ratio from the ivory of the elephant can tell whether the ivory come from a
savanna-dwelling (grass-eating) or a tree-browsing (leave-eating) elephant.
(10 points)
5. Please connect the chemist/physicist listed in the left side to his/her
achievement or related honor listed in the right side (single selection).
(2 points each, 30)
a. Francois Englert 1. Discovered the Ne isotopes
b. Antonie Lavosier 2. Who wrote the first chemistry book
c. John Dalton 3. V is proportional to n at constant T and P
d. Louis Gay-Lussac 4. Who named 'photon'
e. Amedeo Avogadro 5. The highest award from American Chemical Society
f. Robert Boyle 6. Solving the structure of penicillin
g. J.J. Thomson 7. 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Chemistry
h. G.N. Lewis 8. Conductivity of electrolytes in solution
i. Svante Arrhenius 9. The father of modern chemistry
j. Jacques Charles 10. Absolute temperature
k. Johannes N. Brønsted 11. Atomic theory
l. Thomas Martin Lowry 12. The discovery of nucleus
m. Martin Karplus 13. Determine the charge of electron
n. Joseph Priestly 14. Your General Chemistry teacher
o. P.T. Chou 15. 2013 Nobel Prize winner in Physics
p. Robert M
q. G.I. Joe
r. P.T. Joe
s. Robert Millikan
t. Jay. Chou
u. Dorothy Hodgkin
v. Marie Sklodowska Curie
w. Ernest Rutherford

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