試題 :
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Eurolit. 1 Midterm ID#__________
November 14, 2014 name:________
Prof. Duncan Chesney 姓名:________
I. Short Answer [35] - pay attention to relative importance of questions!
What does 'virtù' mean in Machiavelli's political vocabulary? [5]
What does Castiglione designate by the word 'sprezzatura'? please define AND
explain. [5]
What is the meaning of Montaigne's motto, 'Que sçay-je'? How is this evident
in his demeanor, his world view, his style? [3]
To whom is 'The Prince' dedicated? (And to whom is it 'addressed'?) [2]
Where was Petrarch from? Specifically - and why does this matter? [3]
What does "Renaissance" mean?
a) literally (the word) [2]:
b) historically (the period) [5]:
Why must the Prince be both a fox and a lion, according to Machiavelli? [5]
What does Montaigne think about Cannibalism? Explain. [5]
II. Longer Answer [65]
What is so shocking about Machiavelli's 'Prince'? Please use key terms and
arguments from the lectures and presentations as well as your own personal
assessment. [15]
Briefly discuss Montaigne's relationship to Stoicism. (What is Stoicism; how
does it envision the good life; in what ways does Montaigne agree, disagree?)
How can our authors so far this semester - Petrarch, Machiavelli, Castiglione,
and Montaigne - all be considered contributors to the intellectural movement
known as (Renaissance) Humanism? What is Humanism? In what ways do the
different writers engage in Humanistic pursuits? In what ways do thay radically
differ from one another with respect to the ideals of Humanism? [20]
Sonnet 90
She used to let her golden hair fly free
For the wind to toy and tangle and molest;
Her eyes were brighter than the radiant west.
(seldom they shine so now.) I used to see
Pity look out of those deep eyes on me.
("It was false pity," you would now protest.)
I had love's tender heaped within my breast;
What wonder that the flame burned furiously?
She did not walk in any mortal way,
But with angelic progress; when she spoke,
Unearthy voices sang in unison.
She seemed divine among the dreary folk
Of earth. You say she is not so today?
Well, though the bow's unbent, the wound bleeds on.
[Italian] Erano i capei d'oro a l'aura sparsi
che 'n mille dolci nodi gli avolgea,
e 'l vago lume oltra misure ardea
di quei begli occhi, ch'or ne son sì scarsi;
e 'l viso di pietosi color farsi
(non so se vero o falso) mi parea:
i' che l'esca amorosa al petto avea
qual meraviglia se di subito arsi?
Non era l'andar suo cosa mortale
ma d'angelica forma, et le parole
sonavan altro che pur voce umana:
uno spirito celeste, un vivo sole
fu quel ch'i'vidi, et se non fosse or tale,
piaga per allentar d'arco non sana.
Please comment extensively on this poem in light of the discussion of Petrarch
this semester. What is going on here? What is the complex temporality involved?
Who is being addressed? What typical Petrarchan devicces are on display? [20]