bobru525 (bobru525)
2015-01-16 23:39:30課程名稱︰翻譯及習作上
試題 :
Midterm Examination
I. Select the answer that is the most appropriate (36%)
1. Which of the following contains a participle? (A) Swimming is my favorite
activity. (B) He walked around aimlessly. (C) He spent the morning writing a
letter. (D) Proceeding one step at a time slows one down.
2. 「上樑不正下樑歪」— This sentence is a good example of (A) 形合 (B) 簡單句
(C) 綜合型語言 (D) 意合。
3. The bottom line is: don't be tempted to choose a crook over a dimwit. 不要
因為討厭笨蛋而選了壞蛋,這就是 (A) 現實。 (B) 重點。 (C) 底線。 (D)智慧。
4. We take them at their word. 我們 (A) 對他們的話不會另作解釋。 (B) 姑且相信
他們。 (C) 不太相信他們的話。 (D) 完全接受他們的話。
5. 雨下的大,就可能成災。 Heavy rain can (A) cause damages. (B) cause a
disaster. (C) become a damage. (D) become a disaster.
6. 他只會說三道四,卻不會動腦。 He is always critizing, but never (A) uses
his brain. (B) tackles solution. (C) thinks things over. (D) thinks about
what he says.
7. New stores helped push profits ahead. (A) 新店開張,有助於提高利潤。 (B)
新的店有助於帶動利潤。 (C) 新開的店幫助我們獲利。 (D) 因為有新店,利潤才會前
8. The cut indicated that the killer was right-handed. 傷口顯示,兇手 (A) 慣用
右手。 (B) 右手持刀。 (C) 站在左邊。 (D) 面向右邊。
9. 我們寫信給該組織,建議延後召開會議。 We wrote to the organization, ______
that the meeting should be postponed. (A) who suggested (B) having suggested
(C) suggesting (D) the suggestion being
10. The clubs was offered to get extra funding. 這些社團_____,可以獲得更多經
費。 (A) 得到協助 (B) 有機會得到協助 (C) 被提供協助 (D) 得到機會
11. Did she ask to be allowed to leave? 她有要求 (A) 准許離去嗎? (B) 對方准他
離去嗎? (C) 得到離去的許可嗎? (D) 讓他可以離去嗎?
12. People wishing to use this facility may experience some difficulties.
______,可能會碰到一些困難。 (A) 有人想使用這項設備的話 (B) 想使用這項設備的人
(C) 正要使用這項設備者 (D) 因為有人要使用這項設備
13. There are a number of places to which you can turn for help. (A) 有幾個地
方是你可以求助的。 (B)有幾個地方你可以考慮。 (C) 有幾個可以求助的地方。 (D)
14. 針對有特別需要的兒童,我們會提供適當的協助。 _____ will receive proper
support. (A) Needing extra help, children (B) Children needing extra help
(C) Needed for extra help, children (D) Children, having needed extra help.
15. There the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.
在那裡,想欣賞美麗風景, (A) 就要先辛苦一番。 (B) 會涉及很多困難 (C) 有令人
很不舒服的條件 (D)並不容易。
16. She spoke about her recent illness. 她談到她 (A) 最近生過病。 (B) 最近生
病。 (C) 生病未癒。 (D)最近的一場病。
17. 沒有的事你有能說成有,真叫人佩服的五體投地。 Your ability to argue
something out of nothing should win everyone's (A) laugh (B) envy (C)
willingness to prostrate before you (D) will to kiss the ground.
18. A package was left at the door. ______在門外留下一個包裹。 (A) 人們 (B)
有人 (C) 他被人 (D) 是誰
II. Identify each numbered construction (underlined) in the following
paragraph as (a) embedded clause, (b) other types of hypotaxis, (c) parataxis,
or (d) none of the above. Then specify the main words this construction is
connected to or modifies, (8%)
He opened the door "(0) at last" and "(1) passed out" and closed the door
behind him, "(2) arguing again" with his body "(3) which did not want to
bother to close the door", "(4) having to be forced to close it" upon the
empty house "(5) where the two lights burned" with their dead and "(6)
unwavering" glare, "(7) not knowing" that the house was empty and "(8)
not caring", not caring anymore for silence and desolation "(9) than they
had cared for the cheap and brutal nights" of stale oftused glasses and stale
oftused beds.
(0)_b:door_ (1)________ (2)________ (3)________ (4)________
(5)________ (6)________ (7)________ (8)________ (9)________
III. Rewrite the following sentences into more paratactic ones (9%):
1. 這是件我不能想出解釋的事。
2. 那些尋找風景如畫的地方最帶有困難的歐洲國家也最喜歡自然。
3. 這些國家對鄉村生活具有的熱情和對自然景色具有的愛心也最強烈。
IV. Translate (47%):
1. 我們希望慢一點再作決定,所以沒有立即採取這個計畫。(5%)
2. Studies have shown that there were no signs of an improving economy,
indicating that the committee was acting on insufficient information. (5%)
Translate into paratactic sentences:
3. Those of you who have not submitted the form should do so now. (4%)
4. She measured its length with one quick look. (4%)
5. Carelessly, I lost my keys. (3%)
6. Their argument, strengthened by the recent turn of events, is a forceful
one. (6%)
Translate each into a single-clause sentence:
7. 這些專家退休後無所事事,是一種浪費。 (7%)
8. 這個地方既然可能受到質疑,加入解釋是有必要的。 (6%)
9. 合法複製的底線在哪裡,我們非常清楚。 (6%)