[試題] 94上 周承復 系統效能評估 期中考

作者: rod24574575 (天然呆)   2015-03-24 13:04:53
試題 :
Midterm Exam 2005
1. (20%) Derive the stationary distribution of an M/M/2 system where the two
servers have different service rates μ_l and μ_h respectively. The arrival
process is Poisson arrival with rate λ. A customer that arrives when the
system empty is routed to the faster server, i.e., the server with service
rate μ_h.
2. (20%) A telephone company establishes a direct connection between two cities
expecting Poisson traffic with rate 30 calls/min. The duration of calls are
independent and exponentially distributed with mean 3 min. Inter-arrival
times are independent of call durations. How many circuits should the
company provide to ensure that an attempted call is blocked (because all
circuits are busy) with probability less than 0.01? It is assumed that
blocked calls are lost (i.e., a blocked call is not attempted again).
3. (20%) In our system, there are k machines and 2 repairmen. Each machine
breaks down after a time that is exponentially distributed with parameter
α. When a breakdown occurs, a request is sent to the repairman for fixing
it. Requests are buffered. It takes an exponentially distributed amount of
time with parameter μ for the repairman to repair a machine. What is the
probability p(i) that i machines are up? What is the overall failure rate?
4. (15%) Packets arrive at a transmission facility according to a Poisson
process with rate λ. Each packet is independently routed with probability p
to one of two transmission lines and with probability (1 - p) to the other.
Show that the arrival processes at the two transmission lines are Poisson
with rate λp and λ(1 - p), respectively.
5. (25%) Consider a system with 2 components. We observe the state of the
system every hour. A given component operating at time n has prob. 0.2 of
failing before the next observation at time n+1. A component that was in a
failed condition at time n has a probability 0.6 of being repaired by
time n+1, independent of how long the component has been in a failed state.
The component failures and repairs are mutually independent events. Let x_n
be the number of components in operation at time n, {x_n, n = 0, 1, 2, …}
is a discrete-parameter homogeneous Markov chain with the state space
I = {0, 1, 2}. Determine its transition probability matrix P, and draw the
state diagram. Obtain the steady-state probability vector if it exists.
6. (10%) Customers arrive at a bank at a Poisson rate λ. Suppose 3 customers
arrived during the first hour. What is the probability that
(a) All customers arrived during the first 30 mins?
(b) At least one arrived during the first 30 mins?

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