試題 :
一、選擇題 (45%):不需說明,寫出正確答案即可。
1. When an infinite value is placed on human life, policymakers who rely on
cost-benefit analysis
(a) are forced to pursue any project in which a single human life is saved.
(b) are likely to make decisions that optimally allocate society's scarce
(c) would not pursue any public project that would not save human life.
(d) would be forced to rely on private markets to provide public goods.
2. What causes the Tragedy of the Commons?
(ⅰ) Social and private incentives differ.
(ⅱ) Common resources are not rival in consumption and are not excludable.
(ⅲ) Common resources are not excludable but are rival in consumption.
(a) (ⅰ) only
(b) (ⅱ) only
(c) (ⅰ) and (ⅱ) only
(d) (ⅰ) and (ⅲ) only
3. Mary values a movie at $15 while Tim values it at $10. The price of the
movie is $9. If the government imposes a $2 tax per movie and the price of a
movie rises to $11, what part of the deadweight loss comes from Mary and
what part comes from Tim?
(a) none comes from Mary, $1 comes from Tim
(b) none comes from Mary, $3 comes from Tim
(c) $2 comes from Mary, $1 comes from Tim
(d) $4 comes from Mary, $3 comes from Tim
4. Walter used to work as a high school teacher for $40,000 per year but quit
in order to start his own painting business. To invest in his painting
business, he withdrew $20,000 from his savings, which paid 3 percent
interest, and borrowed $30,000 from his uncle, whom he pays 3 percent
interest per year. Last year Walter paid $25,000 for supplies and had
revenue of $60,000. Walter asked Tyler the accountant and Greg the economist
to calculate his painting business's profit.
(a) Tyler says his profit is $25,900, and Greg says his profit is $66,500.
(b) Tyler says his profit is $35,000, and Greg says he lost $5,900.
(c) Tyler says his profit is $34,100, and Greg says he lost $6,500.
(d) Tyler says his profit is $34,100, and Greg says his profit is $34,100.
5. Consider a firm operating in a competitive market. The firm is producing 40
units of output, has an average total cost of production equal to $5, and is
earning $240 economic profit in the short run. What is the current market
(a) $9
(b) $10
(c) $11
(d) $12
6. When a restaurant stays open for lunch service even though few customers
patronize the restaurant for lunch, which of the following principles is
(are) best demonstrated?
(ⅰ) Fixed costs are sunk in the short run.
(ⅱ) In the short run, only fixed costs are important to the decision to
stay open for lunch.
(ⅲ) If revenue exceeds variable cost, the restaurant owner is making a
smart decision to remain open for lunch.
(a) (ⅰ) and (ⅱ) only
(b) (ⅱ) and (ⅲ) only
(c) (ⅰ) and (ⅲ) only
(d) (ⅰ), (ⅱ), and (ⅲ)
7. How does a competitive market compare to a monopoly that engages in perfect
price discrimination?
(a) In both cases, total social welfare is the same.
(b) Total social welfare is higher in the competitive market than with the
perfectly price discriminating monopoly.
(c) In both cases, some potentially mutually beneficial trades do not occur.
(d) Consumer surplus is the same in both cases.
8. Which of the following statements is true?
(ⅰ) When a competitive firm sells an additional unit of output, its revenue
increases by an amount less than the price.
(ⅱ) When a monopoly firm sells an additional unit of output, its revenue
increases by an amount less than the price.
(ⅲ) Average revenue is the same as price for both competitive and monopoly
(a) (ⅱ) only
(b) (ⅲ) only
(c) (ⅰ) and (ⅱ) only
(d) (ⅱ) and (ⅲ) only
9. Suppose the point of tangency that characterizes long-run equilibrium for a
monopolistically competitive firm occurs at Q units of output. This level
of output, Q , 1
(a) exceeds the level of output at which marginal revenue equals marginal
(b) exceeds the level of output at which marginal cost equals average total
(c) falls short of the level of output at which price equals marginal cost.
(d) exceeds the firm's efficient scale of output.
10. Some firms have an incentive to advertise because they sell a
(a) differentiated product and charge a price equal to marginal cost.
(b) differentiated product and charge a price above marginal cost.
(c) homogeneous product and charge a price equal to marginal cost.
(d) homogeneous product and charge a price above marginal cost.
11. Which of these situations produces the largest profits for oligopolists?
(a) The firms reach a Nash equilibrium.
(b) The firms reach the monopoly outcome.
(c) The firms reach the competitive outcome.
(d) The firms produce a quantity of output that lies between the competitive
outcome and the monopoly outcome.
12. Capital is paid according to the value of its marginal product
(a) only if earnings from capital are paid to households in the form of
(b) only if earnings from capital are kept within firms as retained
(c) regardless of whether earnings from capital are paid to households in
the form of dividends or whether those earnings are kept within firms as
retained earnings.
(d) None of the above is correct; unlike labor, capital is a factor of
production for which earnings are unrelated to the value of marginal
13. As a result of a fire, a small business owner loses some of her computers
and other equipment. If the property of diminishing returns applies to all
factors of production, she should expect to see
(a) an increase in the marginal productivity of her remaining capital and an
increase in the marginal productivity of her labor.
(b) an increase in the marginal productivity of her remaining capital and a
decrease in the marginal productivity of her labor.
(c) a decrease in the marginal productivity of her remaining capital and an
increase in the marginal productivity of her labor.
(d) a decrease in the marginal productivity of her remaining capital and a
decrease in the marginal productivity of her labor.
14. Coal mining is a dangerous and dirty job. Suppose someone developed new
machinery that made coal mining safer and cleaner; at the same time, suppose
it made coal miners more productive. We would expect that the wages of coal
miners would
(a) rise.
(b) fall.
(c) stay exactly the same.
(d) rise, fall, or stay the same.
15. Libertarians believe that
(a) it is more important to evaluate the process by which economic outcomes
are produced than the outcomes themselves.
(b) government should attempt to redistribute income from the rich to the
poor when the gap between rich and poor is more than 20%.
(c) equality of incomes is more important than equality of opportunity.
(d) it is more important to evaluate economic outcomes first and then the
process that produced them.
二、非選擇題 (55%):答題時請適當說明你的想法,答案內容以讓批改者瞭解為原則。
1. (20%) 已知燈塔是公共財,假設某一尚未設置燈塔的港口附近,有波兔村、木葉村及小
鎮村三個漁村。三個村子對於建造燈塔的願付價格如下:波兔村 250 萬元、木葉村
150 萬元、小鎮村 100 萬元。
(a) (10%) 在建造燈塔成本少於多少的狀況下,才會有漁村願意獨自出資興建?而在考
(b) (10%) 假設三個漁村以平分成本的方式合資興建燈塔,但同時附帶另一項條件:必
2. (20%) 某小島上有天龍國和獼猴國兩個生產香蕉的國家,其生產函數都是 Q = 2√LK,
__ __
邊際勞動產量 MP = √K/L,邊際資本產量 MP = √L/K。假設兩國的勞動供給 (L)
毫無彈性,在任何工資下,天龍國都有 900 名勞工,獼猴國則有 625 名勞工,而每單
位香蕉的價格為 1 元。兩國的生產均為完全競爭市場,天龍國的資本量 (K) 為 400,
獼猴國資本量為 100。
(a) (5%) 在勞工和資本無法相互流通的狀態下,天龍國跟獼猴國的工資各是多少?
(b) (10%) 若兩國間准許勞工自由流動,但資本不能自由流動。假設勞工流動不需成本
,則勞工流動的方向是由哪國到哪國?移動後兩國的勞工數量和工資 (以分數表示
即可) 各為多少?
(c) (5%) 承上題,在這一狀況下,天龍國的勞工會贊成或反對勞動市場的自由開放?
3. (15%) 下表為參賽者一與參賽者二的報償矩陣,請回答下列問題。
參賽者一 左 右
上 (9, 9) (α, 5)
下 (5, β) (γ, δ)
(a) (4%) 若已知參賽者一選「上」,參賽者二選「左」為優勢策略均衡。則 α、β、
γ、δ 相對的大小關係需符合什麼條件?
(b) (4%) 承上題,若已知此優勢策略均衡並非有效率的均衡。最有效率的是參賽者一
(c) (4%) 若已知 α = 7、β = 7、γ = 9、δ = 9,請找出 Nash 均衡。
(d) (3%) 承上題,結論「此賽局必定有混合策略均衡」,請問此結論是否正確?為什