w4a2y4 (阿甯)
2016-01-15 22:36:46課程名稱︰ 計算機概論
課程性質︰ 資工系大一必修
課程教師︰ 周承復
開課學院: 電資
開課系所︰ 資工
考試日期(年月日)︰ 104/11/09
考試時限(分鐘): 100min
試題 :
1.(30%) Data compression
a) (10%) Encode the massege "yxx yxx zxy yxx" using the LZW method,
then decode the encoded message to get the original messege.
b) (10%) Under what condition is each of the following data compression
techniques most effective?
i) Run length encoding
ii) Relative encoding
c) (10%) The folling is an error-correcting code in which any two
patterns differ by a Hamming distance of at least 3.
Symbol Representation
A 000000
B 001111
C 010011
D 011100
E 100110
F 101001
G 110101
H 111010
i) Decodeeach of the following patterns: 101000 100110 001100
ii) How many errors in a single code pattern could be corrected when
using an error-correcting code in which each code pattern is a
Hamming distance of at least 7 from any other code pattern?
2.(20%) Number system
a) (10%) Using an 8-bit allocation, first convert each of the following
integers to two's complement, do the operation, and then convert the
result to decimal.
(1) 16+37 (2) 13-51
b) (10%) What bit pattern (and its value) represents the sum of 11101011
and 01001011 if the patterns represent values stored in the two's
complement notation? What if the bit patterns represent values stored
in the floating-point format discuss in Chapter 1?
3.(10%) If the input and output bit patterns in the circuit below are interpreted
as binary representations of numeric values, what operation does the circuit
perform? http://i.imgur.com/5UCJCjc.jpg
4.(15%) Operating System
a) (10%) Please choose the part on the operating system (file manager,
memory manager, device drivers, windows manager, scheduler, and
dispatcher) that performs the activity described:
i) Performs the switching from one process to another.
ii) Performs the actual communication with I/O units.
iii) Maintains a record of memory allocations.
iv) Protects files from unauthorized access.
v) Places new entries in the process table.
b) (5%) Describe the bootstrap process.
5.(15%) The following table shows a portion of a machine's memory containing a
program written in the language described in the language description table.
Answer the questions below assuming that the machine is started with its
program counter containing 00.
address content address content
00 10 07 00
01 02 08 C0
02 24 09 00
03 04 0A C0
04 B4 0B C0
05 0A 0C C0
06 C0 0D 00
a) What bit pattern will be in register 0 when the machine halts?
b) What bit pattern will be in register 4 when the machine halts?
c) What bit pattern will be in the program counter when the machine
6.(10%) Which of the following values cannot be represented accurately in the
floating-point format discussed in Chapter 1?
a) 7(1/8) b) 2(3/4) c) 19/32 d) 6(1/2) e) 3/32
7.(10%) Suppose an image is represented on a display screen by a rectangular
array containing 1024 columns and 256 rows of pixels. If for each pixels, 24
bits are required to encode the color and 8 bits to encode the intensity, how
many byte-size memory cells are required to hold the entire picture?
8.(10%) The following table shows a portion of a machine's memory containing a
program written in the language described in the language description table.
Answer the questions below assuming that the machine is started with its
program counter containing 00.
address content
00 1C
01 03
02 2B
03 03
04 5A
05 BC
06 3A
07 00
08 C0
09 00
a) What will be in the memory cell at address 00 when the machine halts?
b) What bit pattern will be in the program counter when the machine