試題 :
一、單選題,每題2分(Questions of multiple choices, 2 points each)
1.Foraminiferans and radiolarians feed by
A) Using cilia to capture particles.
B) Using flagella to grab prey.
C) Using a network to pseudopodia to trap food.
D) Stabbing their prey on spines.
2.Brown algae are dominant primary producers in which area?
A) Tropical coasts
B) Coral reefs
C) Mud flats
D) Temerate rocky coasts
3.Sponges do not have which feature?
A) Specialized cells
B) Gametes
C) Supporting stuctures
D) Organs
4.Which vertebrate feature is not found in ascidians and cephalochordates?
A) Skull
B) Gill or pharyngeal slits
C) Dorsal nerve cord
D) Tail
5.The largest sharks and rays feed on which of these?
A) Fish
B) Seals
C) Mollusks
D) Plankton
6.Marine tetrapod vertebrates do not have
A) Shelled eggs.
B) Feathers.
C) Flippers.
D) Gills.
7.Some of the highest primary production in pelagic environment occurs in
A) Coral reefs.
B) The Southern Ocean.
C) Coastal upwelling areas.
D) Centralocean gyres.
8.The shelf break occurs at which depth?
A) The lowest tide mark
B) About 40m
C) 150m
D) 1000m
9.When seawater is too warm, corals may undergo
A) Fragmentation.
B) Bleaching.
C) Extrusion of mesenterial filaments.
D) Mucus production.
10.Salps and larvaceans
A) Are chordates, like the tunicates.
B) Are gelatinous medusae.
C) Start life as bottom-dwelling larvae.
D) Use tentacles to catch prey.
二、名詞解釋,每題2分(Briefly explaining the meaning of the terms,2pts each)
1.Mid-ocean ridge
4.Alternation of generations
8.Sea otters
三、簡答題,每題10分(Answer the qeustions as many as you know, 10pts each)
1.Please give 2 examples of marine symbiotic bacteria.What kind of
organism do they live in and what are their primary functions in
that organism? (舉出兩種海洋共生菌,及提供給其宿主的主要功能)
2.Point out the different features, habitats and common function of
"kelp" and "sea grass". (請指出海藻與海草的結構與棲地差異,以及相同功能)
3.What is El Nino-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and how does ENSO affect
the climate? (何謂聖嬰與南方震盪,以及對氣候的影響?)
4.Write down at least 2 marine areas(or ecosystems) with high primary
productivity and explain why? (請指出最少2處高初級生產力的洋區或生態系統
5.How do the fish adapt to deep sea environments?
6.Please explain the hypothesis of "iron ferilization"