[試題] 106-1 林郁真 環境工程概論 期中考

作者: senkawa (千川)   2017-11-06 16:05:29
試題 :
1.The volume of water released per unit volume of aquifer material per unit drop in phreatic surface is _____.
(B)coefficient of permeability
(C)coefficient of transmissibility
(D)coefficient of storage
2.Using the principle of ____, one can consider a recharge well to be a well with negative flow.
(A)Darcy (B)Superposition (C)Henry (D)Ghyben-Herzberg
3.Dense NAPLs(DNAPL) are a much more significant problem from a health standpoint. These include such compounds as ____.
(A)heating oil (B)gasoline (C)kerosene (D)trichloroethane
4.For the in-situ biological treatment of groundwater, oxygen enhancement can be done by ____.
(A)sparging nitrogen (B)sparging CO2 (C)injecting H2O2 (D)injecting nutrients
5.For the funnel and gate systems (groundwater),
(A)the funnel is permeable
(B)the funnel serves to lead the contaminated groundwater to the gate
(C)the gate is non-permeable
(D)the groundwater leaving the gate is contaminated
6.Most of the world water stores in?
(A)Ground water (B)River (C)Ocean (D)Lakes
7.Which activity consumes most water resources?
(A)Agriculture (B)Industrial (C)Domestic (D)Recreational
8.What is the full name of the unit for turbidity "NTU"?
(A)Nephelometric Turbidity Units (B)National Turbidity Units (C)Normal Turbidity Units (D)New Turbidity Units
9.Which country produces recycled water from wastewater effluent and names it "Newater"?
(A)Taiwan (B)China (C)Japan (D)Singapore
10.Solar water disinfection has been used in poor regions for drinking water disinfection.
Why are pathogenic bacteria vulnerable to the sunlight?
(A)The UV-A light can inactivate the bacteria
(B)The UV-B light can inactivate the bacteria
(C)The UV-C light can inactivate the bacteria
(D)The UV-D light can inactivate the bacteria
11.What is the most common on site wastewater treatment facility in Taiwan?
(A)activated sludge process (B)oxidation pond (C)septic tank (D)artificial wetland
12.[conventional wastewater treatment]
What is the major content of settled solid in the secondary sedimentation beside water?
(A)microorganisms (B)inorganic minerals (C)plastic doll (D)organic fecal contents
13.In a conventional municipal wastewater treatment process, which of the following unit requires continuous aeration?
(A)Primary sedimentation (B)Activated sludge (C)Secondary clarifier (D)Sludge digester
14.Which of the following statement about conventional wastewater treatment is true?
(A)Primary treatment is designed to remove large obstacle from the plant influent
(B)When water flow through the sedimentation tank, the vertical velocity is greatly reduced
(C)In sludge digestion process, aeration provides sufficient oxygen as electron donor
(D)BOD removal and nitrification can happen in one tank only when BOD loading is 100 times higher than ammonia
15.What are the 3Ps you can flush into the toilet?
16.Which one is classified a major function of soil?
(A)decrease flooding of water
(B)recirculation and purification of materials
(C)provide nutrients
(D)all of the above
17.Which is NOT considered a characteristics of soil contamination?
(A)typically irreversible and long-term
(B)easy to observe and remediate
(C)consequence is extremely severe
(D)frequently caused by illegal dumping of hazardous materials
18.The difference between soil standard and background concentration is called
(A)soil PH (B)soil texture (C)cation exchangeable capacity (D)soil environmental capacity
19.The following soil/ground remediation technology is called:
(A)pump and treat (P&T) (B)thermal treatment (C)ISCO (D)monitored natural attenuation
20.The following soil/ground remediation technology is called:
(A)pump and treat (P&T) (B)thermal treatment (C)bioventing (D)monitored natural attenuation
21.Which one of the following is not the typical water source?
(A)surface water (B)seawater (C) ground water (D)reclaimed water
22.Which one of the following is not the mechanism for particle removal in deep bed filtration?
(A)diffusion (B)interception (C)sedimentation (D)straining
23.What is the drinking water standard for free chlorine residual?
(A)0.2-1 mg/L (B)0.5-1.5 mg/L (C)1.5-2.5 mg/L (D)3.0-4.0 mg/L
24.Which one of the following process is not used in Gong Quan water treatment plant, which employs tradition treatment processes?
(A)coagulation (B)sedimentation (C)activated carbon adsorption (D)disinfection
25.Which one of the following cannot be effectively removed by coagulation process?
(A)bacteria (B)particle (C)natural organic matter (D)pesticide
26.Which statement below is not true for Emerging Contaminants?
(A)they are present in the aquatic environment in trace amount (ng/L to ug/L)
(B)antibiotic is an example compound
(C)secondary treatment in wastewater treatment plant cannot completely eliminate them
(D)they are acutely toxic
27.What is the biggest challenge of water reuse/recycling for drinking water purpose?
(A)public acceptance
(B)removing BOD and COD
(C)removing emerging contaminants from seawater
(D)removing heavy metals
28.Natural attenuation (purification) is often used to further purify the reused water after reversed osmosis (RO) and membrane treatment.
Which one below is not considered as one of the natural attenuation processes?
(A)Sunlight photolysis (B)Biotransformation (C)Sorption (D)Photocatalytic reactions
29.Which one below is not a common practice of non-potable reuse of wastewaters?
(A)Toilet flushing
(B)Landscape and golf course irrigation
(C)Washing dishes
(D)Non-Food crop irrigation
(E)Industrial cooling process
30.[Short Answer Question]
Singapore and Australia both practice "indirect potable reuse".
Please explain what does "indirect potable reuse" mean.

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