unmolk (UJ)
2019-01-14 23:11:11課程名稱︰大一英文
試題 :
I. Vocabulary 60%
1( ) Jack Lucas, a cynical arrogant talk radio host, suicidally despondent
after the tragedy happens. "Cynical" means a. "bitterly distrustful" b. "
sadly thoughtful" c. "tactfully tolerant" d. "naively believing"
2( ) As a suffix, "phobia" means a. hatred b. fear c. anger d. joy
3( ) Following from the previous question, "despondent" means "showing profou-
nd a. care b. trust c. helplessness d. hatred".
4( ) He felt for a moment not like a boy but invincible like a god. "invincib-
le" means a. "feeble" b. "conquerable" c. "underfeatable" d. "proud"
5( ) I hate it when they say companion. It is so insinuation. "insinuating"
means a. "righteous" b. "suggestive" c. "harmful" d. "sarcastic"
6( ) The Fisher King: A Sheer Romanticsim Transcending a Stark Realism. "Stark
" means a. "complete" b. "despressive" c. "melancholy" d. "critical"
7( ) He gave Bertilak one liss, without divulging its source. "Divulge" means
to a. disguise b. hide c. reveal d. criticize
8( ) Protection of the weak was the professionl concern of an errant knight.
"Errant" means a. "gallant" b. "courteous" c. "generous" d. "wandering"
9( ) They are opposed in a struggle between royal tyranny on the one side and
indespendence of spirit on the other. "Tyranny" means a. "demoncracy" b. "des-
potism" c. "plutocracy" d. "monarchy"
10( ) The classical epic had acknowledged the importance