zsyuan (雷雷)
2019-04-19 00:38:43課程名稱︰海洋生命科學
考試時限(分鐘):10:20-12:10 (110分鐘)
試題 :
一、單選題 每題2分
01. The Challenger expedition made collections of marine organisms:
A. Around the world B. In the Pacific only
C. In the Atlantic Ocean only D. In the Mediterranean Sea only
E. In the North Sea only
02. How much of the Earth's oxygen is generated by marine organisms?
A.25% B.50% C.75% D.90% E.95%
03. One of the following is not one of the world's major ocean basins:
A. Atlantic Ocean B. Arctic Ocean C. Indian Ocean
D. Antarctic Ocean E. Pacific Ocean
04. The Eckman spiral occurs as a result of:
A. Salinity B. Transparency C. Pressure
D. Dissolved gases E. Wind
05. Generally the dominant group of plankonic primary producers in cold water:
A. Foraminiferans B. Silicoflagellates C. Dinoflagellates
D. Photosynthetic bacteria E. Diatoms
06. The root-like, anchoring structure of many seaweeds is called the:
A. Blade B. Pneumatocyst C. Thallus D. Holdfast E. Stipe
07. The most complex and largest of all the seaweeds is included among one of
these groups:
A. Green algae B. Brown algae C. Coralline red algae
D. Calcareous algae E. Red algae
08. All cnidarians share all of these features except one:
A. Nematocysts B. Multicellular C. Radial symmetry
D. Complete digestive tract with mouth and anus E. Marine and fresh-water
09. One group of parasites of fishes, seabirds, and other marine animals:
A. Flukes B. Turbellarians C. Comb jellies
D. Ribbon worms E. Segmented worms
10. The trochophore is a:
A. Defensive structure B. Larva C. Planktonic anidarian
D. Feeding structure E. Filter-feeding worm
11. One of the following is not a charcteristic of all chordates:
A. Gill slits B. Backbone C. Notochord
D. Dorsal nerve cord E. Bilateral symmetry
12. An example of a jawless fish:
A. Ray B. Shark C. Hagfish D. Whale shark E. Skate
13. Basking sharks feed on:
A. Plankton B. Small fishes C. Large fishes such as sharks
D. Marine mammals E. Dead animals
14. Penguins:
A. Live on polar regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres
B. Can be found as far north as the Equator C. Are ectotherms
D. Time their reproduction so that eggs hatch during the winter
E. Are able to fly when disturbed
15. Only one of these is a toothed whale:
A. Sperm whale B. Right whale C. Gray whale D. Fin whale E. Blue whale
二、名詞解釋 每題2分
01. Tethys Sea 02. Copepods 03. Diatom
04. Alternation of generations 05. Ambulocetus natans 06. Mollusca
07. Coccolithophorids 08. Walruses 09. Echolocation
10. echinodems
三、簡答題 每題10分
01. 海獅(sea lion)與海豹(seal)同為海洋哺乳類中的鰭腳亞目,身體結構卻有明顯的
02. 請說明海草與海藻的生物體結構差異與生存環境的差別。
03. 請解釋硬骨魚類中的海水魚與淡水魚的滲透壓調節方法。
04. 何謂 convergent evolution,請以海雀(puffin)與企鵝(penguin)的身體外觀與結構
05. 無脊椎動物的演化過程如(sponge, jellyfish, comb jelly, ribbon worms,