試題 :
1. Please provide structures of the following groups:
(a) methylene
(b) vinyl
(c) halohydrin
(d) bromonium
(e) methanide
2. Describe the following terms:
(a) Zaitsev’s rule
(b) Markovnikov’s rule
3. Provide a reasonable mechanism for each of the following reaction.
4. What is the smallest trans cycloalkane that is stable at room temperature? Gi
ve its name and draw its structure.
5. Provide a mechanism to account for the following transformation.
6. Predict the more stable alkene of each pair:
(a) 2-methyl-2-pentene or 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene
(b) cis-3-hexene or trans-3-hexene.
Please briefly describe how you could experimentally determine their relative st
7. What product(s) would you expect from the following solvolysis? Provide a mec
hanism to explain your answers.
8. Rank the following in terms of decreasing nucleophilicity;
(a) CH3OH
(b) CH3CO2-
(c) CH3O-
9. Rank the following alkyl bromides in order of decreasing reactivity as a subs
trate in an SN2 reaction.
10. Which reaction in the following pairs would you expect to give better yield
of the desired product? Explain your answers.
11. Please compare the difference between basicity and nucleophilicity.
12. Would you expect the following reaction to occur faster in DMF or in EtOH? E
xplain your answers.
13. Write a three-dimensional formula for the product formed when 1-methylcycloh
exene is treated with each of the following reagents. In each case, designate th
e location of deuterium or tritium atoms.
(a) I) BD3, THF II)CH3CO2H
(b) I) BH3, THF II)CH3CO2T
(a) When cis-1-bromo-2-methylcyclohexane undergoes an E2 reaction, two products(
cyclohexenes) are formed. What are those two cyclohexenes, and which would you e
xpect to be the major product? Write conformational structures showing how each
is formed.
(b) When trans-1-bromo-2-methylcyclohexane reacts in an E2 reaction, only one cy
clohexenes is formed. What is this product? Write conformational structures show
ing why it is the only product.
15. What major product(s) would you expect from each of the following reactions?
16. Provide proper conditions for the following transformations. In each case mo
re than one reaction is required and you may use any other needed reagents.
17. Compound A has the molecular formula
C10H16 and is known not to contain any triple bonds. When treated with excess hy
drogen and a platinum catalyst, compound A is converted to
2,6-dimethyloctane. Ozonolysis of compound A followed by treatment with Me2S yie
lds 2 mol of HCHO, 1 mol of CH3COCH3, and a third compound B with the formula C5
H6O3. Please deduce the structures of compound A and B, and explain your answers