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103 上
ψ 授課教師 (若為多人合授請寫開課教師,以方便收錄)
王道一 教授 aka Joseph Wang
馮勃翰 副教授 aka Pohan Fong
λ 開課系所與授課對象 (是否為必修或通識課 / 內容是否與某些背景相關)
經研所 必修
國企所博士班 必修(方案一)
財金所博士班 必修
經濟系 選修(大學部修習列為系內選)
另外,兩位老師上課都全英文授課,下課後只有 Joseph 會維持英文模式。
δ 課程大概內容
Supporting Prices (EM 1.1)
Shadow Prices (EM 1.2)
Monopoly Pricing with Joint Costs [TA] (EM 1.5)
Envelope Theorem (EM 1.3)
Theory of Choice (EM 2.1)
Budget Constrained Consumer Choice with 2 Commodities (EM 2.2)
Budget Constrained Consumer Choice with n Commodities (EM 2.3)
The 2x2 Exchange Economy (EM 3.1)
The Fundamental Welfare Theorems (EM 3.2)
Theory of Risky Choice (EM 7.1)
Attitude toward Risk (EM 7.2)
Comparing Risky Alternatives (EM 7.3)
Principal-Agent Problem (EM 7.4)