bnn (前途無亮回頭是暗)
2018-09-29 20:35:49◢◤▲ /▆▃Is this where I belong The furthest I could have gone
▕▍▲\◢▆▄▄ ▃﹄Let the maggots sing A tiny little song
◥◣/▲ ▼三▼▎▲ Tiniest voices sang all night long
▄◣▼[三] | Let the maggots dream No matter right or wrong
◤◢【F▏/ Let us dream on, dream on Dream on and on
◢ ▲◤= ▲
Project Mili◢L◢ ▼∪▲─ Let the maggots sing No audience to be found
▂▃▂▃▅◤ 7◤ 【 Muted voices sang all life long
◢◤/  ̄ ̄/ \ ╲ ╲ ▍ Let the maggots dream No matter right or wrong
▕▋{{ {{{ \╲ ‵▂▄▂ Let us dream on, dream on Dream on and on
作 者:[email protected]