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2022-03-02 21:35:49新聞來源:國際滑冰聯盟官網
ISU Statement on the Ukrainian crisis - Participation in international
competitions of Skaters and Officials from Russia and Belarus
國際滑聯關於烏克蘭危機的聲明 - 俄羅斯和白俄羅斯滑冰運動員和官員參加國際比賽
01 March 2022Lausanne, Switzerland
2022年3月1日 瑞士洛桑
The ISU Council reiterates its solidarity with all those affected by the
conflict in Ukraine and our thoughts are with the entire Ukrainian people and
country. The ISU Council reaffirms its full solidarity with the ISU Members
in Ukraine, the Ukrainian Speed Skating Federation and the Ukrainian Figure
Skating Federation. The ISU Council will evaluate possibilities for swift
humanitarian assistance to its Ukrainian ISU Members.
烏克蘭花樣滑冰聯合會。ISU 理事會將評估迅速向其烏克蘭 ISU 成員提供人道主義援助
The ISU Council carefully evaluated the IOC Statement of February 28, 2022 as
well as appeals received from ISU Members and others calling for a ban on the
participation of Skaters and Officials from Russia and Belarus in ISU Events
and other International Skating competitions.
Following the IOC recommendation, in order to protect the integrity of ice
skating competitions and for the safety of all the participants of
international ice skating competitions, the ISU Council based on Article
17.1.q)i) of the ISU Constitution, agreed that with immediate effect and
until further notice, no Skaters belonging to the ISU Members in Russia
(Russian Skating Union and the Figure Skating Federation of Russia) and
Belarus (Skating Union of Belarus) shall be invited or allowed to participate
in International ice skating Competitions including ISU Championships and
other ISU Events. The same applies to Officials listed in the respective ISU
Communications and/or Regulations under Russia and Belarus.
國際滑聯理事會根據國際滑聯章程第 17.1.q)i) 條,同意立即在另行通知之前,不得邀
滑冰聯盟)的 ISU 會員的滑冰運動員參加國際滑冰比賽,包括 ISU 錦標賽和其他 ISU
The ISU Council will continue to closely monitor the situation in Ukraine and
its impact on the ISU activity and will take additional steps if and when
ISU 理事會將繼續密切關注烏克蘭局勢及其對 ISU 活動的影響,並在必要時採取額外措