剛剛看 Reddit 也是哀鴻遍野,但是找到一篇很好笑的回應串
"Sombra is a Bastion skin ..." (Sombra只是壁壘的新造型)
"I get that you’re joking… but just imagine if this were true. Imagine if
the hero we’ve been anticipating for so long now is just a skin for Bastion.
A Mexican woman with an Uzi who crouches, sticks her Uzi up her ass, and
pushes it through her mouth when she goes in Sentry mode. That’d be pretty
damn sweet."
壁壘的新造型 - 一個拿著烏茲衝鋒槍會蹲下的墨西哥女人,哨衛模式時就把烏茲從
※ 引述《j9771909 (傑哥)》之銘言:
: 覺得刪掉重發一篇比較好
: 剛剛國外論壇看到
: 到官網登入 去找成就會多一個一個問號
: http://i.imgur.com/Mq4UEn2.png
: 檢視原始碼會有這段隱藏文字
: Vientos, nada mal. No obstante, me aburro. Intentemos algo nuevo en la misma
: dirección
: http://i.imgur.com/izwS7XO.png
: 剩下大家繼續解謎吧