AmosYang (泛用人型編碼器)
2014-09-22 12:38:54※ 引述《cantatas (無非是一種風景)》之銘言:
: 我常覺得自己的英文問題不在口音(口音可以模仿,所以還算是可以琢磨的技巧)
: ,而在於聽不深。教書的時候因為是自己的專業,所以一點問題也沒有。
: 但是很多時候在會議和討論上,我就非常茫然不知所措。不是不敢講,
: 而是腦子有點當機了,無法回應以睿智的內容,以至於連回應的時間點都不見了。
: (從同事的角度看起來說不定就顯弱智了>"<)
* Could you give me an / another example of that?
* Could you elaborate on that?
* Help me understand what you meant by [...]
* Let me make sure that I understood you correctly by repeating
what you just said in my own words ...
(適合完全聽不懂時;通常, 80% 的機會, 在座別人也一樣聽不懂)
* Would it apply to all situations in general?
* Could there be any exceptions?
* 可以接連段: For example, [a vague/ambiguous case].
* Why would you say / think so? I wasn't able to follow you
from [argument A] to [conclusion B].
看情況用 :D