徵求熟悉 C++ coding, 三維建模, 計算幾何, 計算機圖學等領域的人才!
無工作經驗的新畢業生也歡迎喔! 剛入職公司會馬上幫你辦綠卡,
缺開在Hillsboro,但遠端工作也完全沒問題. 請大家告訴大家!
Hi all, My Team is looking for people who are familiar with meshing,
geometric modeling, computer graphics, or visualization.
The programming language will be mainly C++.
Intel sponsors green card petitions and fully remote working is feasible.
We welcome both new grads and experienced engineers.
So feel free to message or email me your resume,
and broadcast this hiring information. ☺
Please contact "[email protected]".