3.Doom(厄運) 機制已被移除,以簡化咒術系統。與厄運相關的所有內容都經過重新設計
8.一堆與咒術相關的傳奇裝buff,並重新設計了之前與 Doom 互動的傳奇裝。
正題 :
Hex Strength Against Different Monster Tiers
Currently, Hex Builds are at their weakest against monsters where they matter
the most and at their strongest where they matter the least. This is partly
because Hexes have hidden penalties which reduce their effectiveness when
fighting unique monsters and pinnacle bosses (currently 33% and 66%
It's normal for these monsters to have various hidden penalties, as noting
every single one would create a lot of clutter in their mod descriptions.
Players can reasonably expect these monsters to be more difficult to fight,
so in general, showing the entire list of penalties is not very necessary.
However, the penalty against Hexes is an outlier because it's much more
significant compared to other hidden penalties.
Because it is so substantial while also being hidden from players, it is
unlikely to be compensated for during build creation and creates a notable
disadvantage for Hex builds
We have removed both of these penalties so that Hexes will be consistently
effective against all monsters in the game.
所以 GGG 決定,移除黃怪橘怪詛咒減免
The Doom Mechanic
Another issue that we feel undermines Hex builds is the Doom mechanic. We
designed Doom with the goal of making self-cast Hexes more effective than
other more trivial applications of Hexes, such as the Blasphemy and Hextouch
Support gems. The Doom mechanic was somewhat successful in its goal, but came
at the cost of adding a lot of complexity to Hex-related mechanics.
We are removing the Doom mechanic and as a consequence will be making several
other changes to mechanics that previously interacted with Doom. For example,
all stats that reference Doom have been replaced with other curse-themed
Hexblast has had its skill mechanics and damage adjusted to account for the
loss of Doom's scaling. Impending Doom has also had its base damage roughly
doubled to compensate for this loss. We have replaced the Doomsday keystone
with a new Hex-themed keystone.
Curse-Related Uniques
We've buffed a bunch of Hex-related unique items and have reworked unique
items that previously interacted with Doom such as the Fated End unique ring.
We've also added some powerful new unique items that interact with Hexes.
This new ring lets you scale your curse limit in a completely different way,
by tying it to your power charge count. Or you can simply not scale it and
put this on to apply 3 curses!
Here is an example of one of the rebalanced curse uniques. The Reservation
Efficiency mod has been buffed from 20% to 30%, and the level of socketed
curse gems has gone up from +1 to +2.
插槽中詛咒寶石增加 30% 保留效用
Ensuring Self-Cast is Powerful
In most cases, systems that facilitate somewhat automated gameplay, like
Hextouch applying Hexes automatically, should either come at a much higher
cost or be less effective. In some cases, both are needed to counterbalance
the significant upside of automation. Otherwise, the option to automate will
always be the obvious choice and eclipse other more interactive gameplay
styles. The Doom mechanic was aimed at fulfilling this function for Hexes,
and is being replaced by alternative, simpler solutions.
We have added penalties to both Blasphemy and Hextouch Supports which grant
less curse effect at all gem levels. Additionally, item mods that inflict a
specific Hex no longer do so with increased effect. This includes items where
the Hex is meant to be a downside on the player, such as Coward's Chains,
Coward's Legacy or Soul Mantle.
Hex Skill Gem Scaling
Different Hex types are not evenly balanced when applied via Hex-on-hit
modifiers. Some Hexes like Vulnerability and Despair are much more powerful
than others. This is because Hex-on-hit modifiers apply a Hex equivalent to
the level 1 version of the Hex skill gem. Some Hexes are very strong at Level
1, relative to their Level 20 power, because they scale in a more gradual way
with gem level. This means that in some cases, using Hex-on-hit is too
powerful alongside its benefit of also applying Hexes automatically.
We are stabilising the gem scaling rates of Hexes. In general, they should be
twice as powerful at gem level 20 than they are at gem level 1.
(似乎是因為1等CP值比較高? 中間1等跟20等那段看不太懂)
Scaling Curse Effect
We feel that there are currently too many sources of Curse Effect available.
This has created a large power gap between players that have no investment in
Curses and those that have heavy investment into Curses, which has
continually caused us to have the baseline effect of curses to be lower than
we'd like.
We are regulating the number of sources of Curse Effect throughout the game.
This will also rein in the power of players building Curse Support
characters. These changes have been focused on less-accessible sources of
Curse Effect, such as Eldritch Implicits on helmets, rather than accessible
sources like the Passive Skill Tree. The curse effect notables on cluster
jewels have been replaced with other appropriate ones. For example, the one
that used to grant Flammability effect now allows your Flammability Hex to
apply to hexproof enemies and also causes your ignites on cursed enemies to
deal damage faster.
The Occultist Ascendancy Class
We have removed the '15% increased Effect of your Curses' and 'Enemies you
Curse have Malediction' stats from the Malediction notable in the Occultist's
Ascendancy. The 'Your Hexes can affect Hexproof Enemies' stat has been moved
from Profane Bloom to the Malediction notable. We will be renaming this
notable passive as it no longer causes you to apply Malediction to enemies
you Curse.
Due to the significant increase in the power of hexes against tougher
monsters, the effects of this notable are still very strong, as the removal
of the hex penalty cannot be understated. The massive buff to hexes
especially applies to Occultists because they have access to more Hexes than
other Ascendancies.
The curse effect removed from the notable previously known as Malediction has
been moved to the passive skill tree, where it's available for everyone. This
is important, because while the Occultist is still the strongest overall
Ascendancy for someone who wants to specialise in applying many hexes, it's
not mandatory to play for someone who merely wants to apply really strong
昇華天賦 惡語術 的 詛咒效果+15% 跟被你詛咒的敵人有惡語術移除
你的咒術可以影響無咒的敵人 把他從 穢言亡語 移到 惡語術 上
(詛咒昇華變成 +1咒跟無視無咒一組 , 擊殺爆炸一組 , 功能分家)
Temporal Chains and Enfeeble
The current balance of Enfeeble and Temporal Chains makes them exceedingly
strong against normal and magic monsters while being relatively ineffective
against pinnacle bosses. For example, a level 20 Temporal Chains gem
currently reduces a Pinnacle Boss' action speed by just 4%. You can get more
than twice as much action speed reduction using any skill that chills. This
is another case of Hexes being weakest where they matter most and strongest
where they matter least.
Because of the changes to Curse Effect, we're now able to make Temporal
Chains and Enfeeble strong defensive options without requiring large
investment into Curse Effect. In addition to changes to their overall gem
levels and scaling, we are also planning to increase the "Cursed Rare and
Unique Enemies have x% less Action Speed" modifier on Temporal Chains as well
as increasing the "Cursed Rare and Unique Enemies deal x% less Damage"
modifier on Enfeeble.
預計時空鎖鏈會多一條 被詛咒的黃怪橘怪有 x% 更少行動速度
衰弱則是多一條 被詛咒的黃怪橘怪造成 x% 更少傷害
Vulnerability and Despair
While working on the updates outlined above, we took the opportunity to make
some stat changes to Vulnerability and Despair to help make these gems
cleaner. They are now more focussed on making enemies vulnerable to Physical
and Chaos damage in ways that are generically useful for any build dealing
primarily Physical or Chaos damage. We will confirm the specifics of these
changes in the 3.20 expansion patch notes.
詳情等3.20 的 patch note
Hexblast has had its skill mechanics and damage adjusted to account for the
loss of Doom's scaling. Broadly speaking, it does less damage at the very top
end of gameplay but getting it to a fairly decent level of damage is easier
than before. It now removes a random Hex from an enemy and will deal more
damage with hits and ailments if a Hex was removed in this way. Its damage is
also more consistent because you no longer need to wait for Doom to build up.
In general, Hexes will be stronger against tough monsters and weaker against
lesser monsters. We've removed Doom in order to simplify how Hexes work,
introduced penalties to automated Hex application methods to keep them from
outclassing self-casting, and made several other balance changes as a
consequence of these overall changes.
Please note that the above plans are still subject to change in the lead up
to the launch of The Forbidden Sanctum expansion. We'll reveal the specifics
of these changes in the patch notes.