[運勢] 03/29 The Daily Horoscope

作者: peace305 (Solar)   2019-03-28 23:47:42
You may have a strong feeling about making your mark in a project that
involves other people, Pisces. You are certainly a unique individual.
Many people of your sign are quite creative in the areas of writing, art,
fashion, and more, but whatever your chosen area of self-expression, you
stand out from the crowd routinely. However, this may be one of those
times when it would be good to challenge your creativity by conforming to
the vision that is shared among everyone involved, and from within that
limitation, your true genius will spring forth.
作者: Deepercat (蒼)   2019-03-29 02:06:00
作者: dt0312 (在蔚藍之中翱翔)   2019-03-29 05:28:00
作者: AkiC (瑪莉花)   2019-03-29 11:13:00
作者: iort (走走走~)   2019-03-29 12:50:00
作者: wendyyang   2019-03-29 22:45:00

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