多數的 Indie, Free to Play 未列入,一定有缺漏,歡迎補充,平台有誤也煩請指正。
▌Sony E3 Conference
1 Destiny PS3, PS4, X360, X1
2 The Order: 1886 PS4
3 Infamous: Second Son - First Light (New DLC) PS4
4 Entwined PS3, PS4, PSV
5 Little Big Planet 3 PS4
6 Bloodborne PS4
7 Far Cry 4 PC, PS3, PS4, X360, X1
8 Dead Island 2 PS4, X1
9 Magicka 2 PC, PS4
10 Grim Fandango PS4, PSV, TBA
11 Let It Die PS4
13 No Man's Sky PC, PS4
14 Mortal Kombat X PC, PS3, PS4, X360, X1
15 Ratchet and Clank PS4
16 The Last of Us Remastered PS4
17 Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain PS3, PS4, X360, X1
18 Grand Theft Auto V PC, PS4, X1
19 Batman: Arkham Knight PC, PS4, X1
20 Uncharted 4: A Thief's End PS4
遊戲預告部分及發售資訊可參考版友 kuku321 的文章:
[情報] 2014 E3展 SCE發表會總整理 (#1JbeCnjQ)
▌其他遊戲廠商 quick look
EA http://goo.gl/fG0Hk9
Ubisoft http://goo.gl/WE9gDP
▌Xbox E3 Conference
1 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare PC, PS3, PS4, X360, X1
2 Forza Horizon 2 X360, X1
3 Evolve PC, PS4, X1
4 Assassin's Creed Unity PC, PS4, X1
5 Dragon Age: Inquisition PC, PS3, PS4, X360, X1
6 Sunset Overdrive X1
7 Dead Rising 3 (New DLC) X1
'Super Ultra Dead Rising 3 Arcade Remix Hyper Edition EX Plus Alpha Prime'
8 Fable Legends X1
9 Project Spark PC, X360, X1
10 Ori and the Blind Forest X1
11 Halo: The Master Chief Collection X1
12 Inside X1
13 Rise of Tomb Raider PC, PS4, X1
14 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt PC, PS4, X1
15 Phantom Dust X1
16 Tom Clancy's The Division PC, PS4, X1
17 ScaleBound X1
18 Crackdown X1