You’ve said your approach is to give full direction on games. But there is
the matter of Bloodborne DLC, which many fans have hoped you’ll be involved
with heavily. Can you clarify the level of commitment you’re giving to that?
The bottom line is, I think I can do it. I believe I can do both the
Bloodborne DLC and Dark Souls 3. The reason is because this isn’t the first
time I’ve had to work on two projects at the same time. When I was doing
Demon’s Souls, I was also working on Armored Core: For Answer. Even for the
original Dark Souls, I acted as producer and director.
Q:粉絲擔心血源DLC還沒推出 就去做DS3了 會不會使得DLC推不出來
宮崎:我可以兩者都做好 因為這也不是我第一次雙產線並進 之前在做惡魔靈魂時我同時
也在作Armored Core: For Answer 就算是在黑暗靈魂1遊戲中 我依然擔任著製作人與監