Fw: [情報] Fallout 4: 11 Reasons It’s A Disappoi

作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-23 20:45:43
※ [本文轉錄自 RealPlaying 看板 #1MKmRWdZ ]
作者: turechirex (......想不到) 看板: RealPlaying
標題: [情報] Fallout 4: 11 Reasons It’s A Disappoi
時間: Mon Nov 23 20:30:16 2015
Fallout 4: 11 Reasons It’s A Disappointment
Jack Pooley
Whether you’ve blasted through the campaign or only just scraped the
surface, gamers the world over have now been able to sink a wealth of time
into Bethesda’s latest RPG opus, the rapturously-reviewed Fallout 4.
That said, the initial afterglow is starting to die down, meaning it’s time
to put the adoring fanboyism beyond and take a more critical look at the
areas where the game falls down, because for everything FO4 gets right, it
also leaves plenty to be desired.
From technical issues to lazy corner-cutting, bizarre design choices and
elements that feel like a step back from previous Fallout games, there’s
plenty of quibbles that prevent the game from being the masterpiece it was so
clearly capable of.
11. Those Ridiculous Loading Times
In an era where the PS4 and Xbox One are promising smoother, faster load
times than ever, Fallout 4 sadly embarrasses them by boasting average load
times on consoles of 30-50 seconds in length.
Sure, this wouldn’t be a problem if it appeared infrequently, but
considering the amount of fast-traveling you’re likely to be doing
throughout the game, it can be especially aggravating if you need to quickly
travel between several areas, resulting in a number of near-back-to-back
loading screens.
When other, much better looking games can muster load times of 5-10 seconds,
it’s rather aggravating that the game wastes so much player time loading
everything in. Yes, it’s widely accepted that Bethesda’s engine is a mess,
but is this really acceptable on current-gen tech, let alone a PC (though it
admittedly isn’t as bad on PC)?
In fairness, fans were made aware of this one a while back, when the initial
trailer didn’t even attempt to mask the fact that Fallout 4 just doesn’t
look that great. Yes, it’s dripping in atmosphere and has a ton of mood,
while the world-building is incredible, but on a basic aesthetic level, the
game is fairly ugly.
The textures are bland and flat, animations are often jerky and the lip sync
is so laughably bad it’s a surprise Bethesda even bothered. While this has
been par for the course in pretty much every game the developer has made, it’
s fairly disappointing that they’ve made a game that looks like it could
probably be released at the tail-end of the PS3, or at the very most as a
launch title for PS4.
Graphics absolutely aren’t everything, but they are something, and this is
one area where the commitment and attention-to-detail of the world as a whole
just isn’t found.
FO4 has been slammed even by those who generally love the game for the poor
(or sometimes non-existent) manner in which it describes fairly basic
gameplay elements.
For example, when you’re first able to build settlements and edit the
environment around you, the game provides very little information on
something as simple as connecting a power generator, all the more infuriating
as the player is actually required to do this once in the campaign.
Then there’s cracking passwords on computer terminals which again is poorly
explained even if players will eventually get the hang of it, it’s possible
to go hours without realising there’s an advanced perk system, and you
possibly don’t know how to holster your gun or shoot from cover.
There’s a lot to be said for keeping in-game prompts and text to a minimum
in order to sustain the immersion factor, but it would’ve been cool to know
these things right out of the gate…
It wouldn’t be a Bethesda game without a ton of glitches, but holy crap,
this game is absolutely riddled with them. Be it the infamous “meatspin”
glitch which has plagued every 3D Fallout game (pictured above), characters
getting snagged on random objects for no reason, dialogue not being subtitled
or skipping altogether, the player being teleported across the map, enemies
getting flung into the air for no reason or any of the other endless amount
of glitches, it’s astounding that they all made it into the final game.
While it’s understandably impossible for Bethesda to QA everything, the
final product suggests their QA department consisted of a single pot-smoking
intern with a severe case of Friday Afternoon Syndrome.
Though some players insist they’ve not encountered a single glitch and
others are prepared to put up with the jankiness because of the “charm” it
infuses into the game, many just expect a AAA game of this stature to be
significantly more polished. Compared to, say, Metal Gear Solid V, it’s hot
garbage from a presentational perspective.
這算是我看過寫得最全面的FO4 11個令人失望點的評測文了。
作者: kuninaka   2014-11-23 20:31:00
作者: AerobladeIII (OGC空氣刀三)   2014-11-23 20:32:00
作者: xxtuoo (浪費時間不好QQ)   2014-11-23 20:35:00
"人家最討厭fo4你了" "fo4你可要好好負起責任喔"..真麻煩w
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2014-11-23 20:37:00
作者: valkylin2 (CDPR Fans)   2015-11-23 20:51:00
1 4 5 6 7 9 這五點有同意到 但是瑕不掩瑜這款讓我睡眠不足的程度跟巫師三差不多 XDDDDDD讀取時間我放在M5P 512G或是Intel 750 400G都讀很久...其實我目前最困擾的不是bug 是打完一堆對手 都會找不到鮪魚檢....尤其是一整個區域4-5隻怪在打帶跑.....
作者: neogetter (neo)   2015-11-23 20:53:00
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-23 20:55:00
作者: ayubabbit (ウォロックが倒せな)   2015-11-23 20:59:00
總覺得大部分reason都可以套在skyrim身上結果skyrim還是拿goty 看來fo4穩了
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-23 21:02:00
UGOTY都出來了= =,還在FO4?他等明年吧skyrim是當年引擎升級後的第一作當然令人驚豔但快四年過去了賺那麼多,還在用同一個引擎,而且GTA又把3A遊戲提升一個層次。FO4????
作者: ditano (小啾啾)   2015-11-23 21:04:00
缺點雖然多 但遊戲性真的蠻高的
作者: ayubabbit (ウォロックが倒せな)   2015-11-23 21:08:00
還沒啦 12/3才舉辦 fo4有入圍啊http://thegameawards.com/nominees/
作者: justsay (說說而已)   2015-11-23 21:09:00
去RP板看到某t從憤怒開始轉為自嗨 覺得有點同情了
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-23 21:11:00
看到那麼多人臉那麼腫,超爽的GOTY很多家廠商辦啊= =。
作者: e04su3no (鋼鐵毛毛蟲)   2015-11-23 21:23:00
作者: wolf9420 (Mr.Rorensu)   2015-11-23 21:24:00
作者: e04su3no (鋼鐵毛毛蟲)   2015-11-23 21:24:00
作者: xxtuoo (浪費時間不好QQ)   2015-11-23 21:25:00
@@a loading time? pc SSD完全無壓力..害我死不用怕的w
作者: e04su3no (鋼鐵毛毛蟲)   2015-11-23 21:26:00
無腦黑才會拿GTA和MGS來比較 但TW3完全沒話說而且各方面幾乎都是把FO4壓著打
作者: ayubabbit (ウォロックが倒せな)   2015-11-23 21:29:00
ssd是一回事 這年頭還有讀取這麼頻繁的open world..我還以為我在玩gust game(棒讀
作者: shun2010 (SHUN)   2015-11-23 21:53:00
這次主線也不差吧 只是終局兼用卡讓我不太能接受不然個人認為比三代的找老爸跟NV的找誰要幹掉你好多了很多缺點例如1、2、5、6、8、10這些不是前代就這樣不然就是這代明明改善超多 又要鞭 實在有點莫名其妙
作者: igarasiyui (かゆい うま)   2015-11-23 21:57:00
目前4主線打到剛要去學院 但講到NV NV主線絕對比3跟4好太多了好嗎
作者: twodahsk (LL)   2015-11-23 21:57:00
作者: ray8082 (ray8082)   2015-11-23 21:58:00
作者: twodahsk (LL)   2015-11-23 21:58:00
作者: shun2010 (SHUN)   2015-11-23 21:59:00
一開始的目的確實是那樣啊 是後續陷入派系的鬥爭的旗子
作者: igarasiyui (かゆい うま)   2015-11-23 21:59:00
作者: shun2010 (SHUN)   2015-11-23 22:00:00
大家都破過 不需要讓您教 還有劇情喜好很主觀
作者: igarasiyui (かゆい うま)   2015-11-23 22:00:00
法號 尤其憲法號升空我覺得還滿值得一看的...
作者: igarasiyui (かゆい うま)   2015-11-23 22:01:00
但NV值得講的更多 還有根本是恐怖遊戲的某避難所...
作者: twodahsk (LL)   2015-11-23 22:02:00
作者: valkylin2 (CDPR Fans)   2015-11-23 22:22:00
明明放SSD也讀超久好不好 =3=
作者: dameontree (Curry萌萌)   2015-11-23 22:26:00
讀取太久+1....... 又不是換地圖區域 小房間也要讀= =
作者: roka (吃狗肉)   2015-11-23 22:33:00
作者: bill6613 (bill6613)   2015-11-23 22:35:00
作者: California (世上最遙遠的距離)   2015-11-23 22:42:00
NV主線支線都贏4不少 當然這是個人感覺囉
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-23 23:02:00
作者: Kamikiri (☒☒)   2015-11-23 23:19:00
靠邀 我都看完英文了 你才給我中文網址 XDDDDDDDD
作者: roka (吃狗肉)   2015-11-23 23:39:00
作者: ray8082 (ray8082)   2015-11-23 23:42:00
別這樣啊 1800很貴 讓他從發售吐到現在
作者: probsk (紅墨水)   2015-11-23 23:42:00
作者: ray8082 (ray8082)   2015-11-23 23:45:00
我玩ps4版 感覺跟巫師3差不多的讀取時間
作者: efreet (Soth)   2015-11-23 23:52:00
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-23 23:53:00
作者: cocowing (wing)   2015-11-24 00:22:00
作者: clubee (柏拉)   2015-11-24 00:29:00
NV劇情對話真的大勝 少了1.2代經典配樂也有點可惜不過還是很好玩啊XD
作者: serval623 (洛杉磯強姦人)   2015-11-24 01:01:00
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-24 01:31:00
作者: KYLAT (凱拉特)   2015-11-24 04:29:00
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-24 09:00:00
作者: kuninaka   2015-11-24 09:08:00
The Witcher 3會贏阿,讚今年太棒了,RPG都很強傳統的可以玩pillars of eternity冒險的可以玩Fallout 4啪啪啪的有The Witcher 3這三款明年還會出DLC和資料片
作者: bill6613 (bill6613)   2015-11-24 10:01:00
作者: xxtuoo (浪費時間不好QQ)   2015-11-24 10:11:00
@@a讀取有這麼嚴重? 現在年輕人真心急..進出據點讀一下還好吧..通常一個據點不都可探好一陣子.GG載入次數還比較多w
作者: fetoyeh (小葉)   2015-11-24 10:27:00
梟雄比FO4值回票價? 這款頂多就是沒犯大錯 評價真是高啊
作者: wolf9420 (Mr.Rorensu)   2015-11-24 12:43:00
NV的主線支線處理比4代好多了吧... 再說要求它比前面幾代好很正常吧,跟其他遊戲比確實沒有那麼出色啊
作者: unorthodoxy (啡墊辛)   2015-11-24 13:18:00
還是參考這種文比較有價值 這次玩家投票掉這麼多不是沒原因
作者: lucandy09 (LUC)   2015-11-24 13:33:00
→ turechirex: 不過可以打臉FO4就是爽~~~~!!!YA~!!!
作者: probsk (紅墨水)   2015-11-24 13:39:00
FO4是一個大家期望他有95分 實際卻是85分的遊戲不過把他噴的像是只有55分完全是個人的問題
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-24 14:16:00
作者: uowa (去你媽的讀者)   2015-11-24 14:27:00
作者: uujidggl (幼)   2015-11-24 18:54:00
作者: turechirex (......想不到)   2015-11-24 23:06:00

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