真・三國無雙8 PS4版Ver.1.04及Steam版Ver. 1.02 更新內容
Dynasty Warriors 9 PS4 Ver.1.04 / Steam Ver.1.02 Update Description
- 放寬武將的開放條件。
- Eased the conditions for unlocking officers.
- 放寬秘密基地寄送信件的條件。
- Eased conditions for sending letters from Hideaways.
- 改善戰鬥時士兵、武將的動作。
- Improved the movement of soldiers and officers during battle.
- 調整道具的價格。
- Adjusted the price of items.
- 調整群生地的配置。
- Adjusted the positioning of clusters.
- 追加哨臺、路標。
- Added Watchtowers and Waymarks.
- 調整門、兵器、建造物的耐久力。
- Adjusted the hit points of gates, weapons, and buildings.
- 修正部分模組偶爾出現崩壞的問題。(僅限PS4版)
- Corrected an issue that occurred rarely in which parts of some models would
- 修正無法從不自然的天候恢復原狀的問題。
- Corrected an issue in which unnatural weather occurrences would not revert
to their original state.
- 修正第4章「奪回下邳」中水門偶爾無法開放的問題。
- Corrected an issue that occurred rarely in which floodgates could not be
opened during chapter 4 - "Reclaim Xiapi."
- 修正部分河川的顯示問題。
- Corrected an issue concerning the display of some rivers.
- 修正其他幾項問題。
- Corrected a number of other minor issues.
以上..給大家參考.. ^O^