※ [本文轉錄自 EAseries 看板 #1a4QVS-V ]
作者: YoshiTilde (一頁本是難成書) 看板: EAseries
標題: [情報] 《最後生還者》影集 DVD / 藍光開始預購
時間: Wed Mar 15 19:11:22 2023
甫播畢的《最後生還者》影集 DVD / 藍光將於7月17日發售,現已開放預購,訂價如下:
4K Ultra HD:$50 / £40。
4K Ultra HD (鐵盒):£50。
Blu-ray:$45 / £30。
DVD $40 / £25。
DVD / 藍光收錄有下列花絮:
The Last of Us: Stranger Than Fiction (New Featurette Exclusive to 4K, BD and DV
D) – Series cast and filmmakers are joined by experts in survival, microbiology
, and parasitology for a chilling discussion on the realities of the invasive fu
ngus and subsequent apocalypse in The Last of Us.
Controllers Down: Adapting The Last of Us (New Featurette Exclusive to 4K, BD an
d DVD) – Follow the journey of The Last of Us from console to screen as cast an
d filmmakers take us inside the process of expanding the world and breathing new
life into the game’s beloved characters.
From Levels to Live Action (New Featurette Exclusive to 4K, BD and DVD) – Disco
ver how The Last of Us incorporated and expanded fan-favorite game moments in th
e series.
Getting to Know Me (4 Featurettes)
The Last Debrief with Troy Baker (2 Featurettes)
Inside the Episode (9 Featurettes)
Is This a The Last of Us Line? (2 Featurettes)
blackone979 (ææ´¾ã¯ä¿ºã®å«)
2023-03-15 19:51:00一樓急著跳出來當笑話 何必
deray (Deray)
2023-03-15 20:06:00什麼是DVD?
DVD還有人在用?360P 超糊買日本音樂專輯有時候都會附 DVD,什麼時候要改 BD 拉
moonh4 (山塔納的指甲垢)
2023-03-15 20:47:00你們應該會很意外紐澳有多少老人還在用DVD,連商場裡面都還有這類實體店面…他們生意還好到讓我懷疑自己是不是選錯產業
blackone979 (ææ´¾ã¯ä¿ºã®å«)
2023-03-15 21:05:00藍光過於高價沒辦法完全取代DVD啦
Makeinu (Makeinu)
2023-03-15 21:30:00諷刺的是拿PS5看最後生還者影集,不管是UHD-BD還是HBOMAX串流平台都沒有Dolby Vision
a70311520 (Black_Fantasy)
2023-03-15 21:37:00DVD 480p的樣子?第一季影集能收 真的好看
台灣也只能看BD才有高畫質 追劇看HBO go畫質實在不行
crazy0228 (flyriddle)
2023-03-15 22:18:00買!
作者: Barefoot24 (迷狐) 2023-03-15 23:15:00
作者: laup300687 (Lausir) 2023-03-16 01:07:00
Spade (JACK)
2023-03-16 07:46:00台灣HBO GO只有720P
作者: youtrue (youtrue) 2023-03-16 08:55:00
推一個 拍得很棒 還原度很高
HBO熱門影集出UHD BD 之前有中文代理 可以等等看
tsairay (火の紅寶石)
2023-03-16 11:06:00這個這麼熱門,有機會代裡啦