The bugbear's out of the bag! Join us at noon PST Nov. 21 on Twitch ( as we introduce Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition to the world! 其他網站報導所提到的 Here is a listing of what the enhanced edition offers: Improved Display: Your portrait, combat bar, inventory, and other UI elements adjust in size based on your chosen resolution including 1080p and 4k. Advanced Graphics Options: Pixel shaders and post-processing effects make for crisper, cleaner visuals. Enable contrast, vibrance, and depth of field options as preferred. Community Endorsed: Original developers have teamed with key members of the Neverwinter Nights community to curate important fan-requested improvements to support players, storytellers, and modders. Backwards Compatibility: Works with save games, modules, and mods from the original Neverwinter Nights. A galaxy of community created content awaits. 一分鐘的簡短水管影片 題外話,冰風之谷二沒有加強版的原因是因為他們找不到當初程式的原始碼...