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作者: TonyQ (沉默是金。) 看板: Soft_Job
標題: [轉錄] Code Review: 大家都應該做的事情
時間: Mon Aug 1 03:50:59 2011
Code Review: 大家都應該做的事情
原文: http://0rz.tw/CIJnH
The biggest thing that makes Google's code so good is simple: code review.
That's not specific to Google - it's widely recognized as a good idea, and a
lot of people do it. But I've never seen another large company where it was
such a universal. At Google, no code, for any product, for any project, gets
checked in until it gets a positive review.
@There's one more big benefit. Code reviews spread knowledge.
其中有提到 Code Review 一個常見的盲點,這個我常碰到,