Chikei ( )
2016-12-21 01:55:30※ 引述《leicheong (睡魔)》之銘言:
: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/12/16/
: oracle_targets_java_users_non_compliance/
: 報導最近若干公司被某律師事務所 (Larry Ellison) 告知,
: Oracle旗下的收費部門LMS指他們在沒合法投權下使用Oracle的元件,
: 並追收每用戶40至300美金, 或每處理器5000至15000美金的費用
: 不想被坑的話, 安裝J2SDK時請記得不要安裝Advanced Desktop,
: Java SE Advanced及Java EE Suite等元件 (包括JRockit Mission Control,
: JRockit Flight Recorder, Enterprise JRE Installer等).
: 另外Oracle正計畫針對手機應用, 手掀設備, 藍光碟播放等「為智能系統而設的
: 特化嵌入式系統」(specialized embedded computers used in intellegence
: systems) 收費. 在寫Java的各位小心了.
***Java SE is free*** but Java SE Advanced Desktop, Advanced and Suite are not.
Java SE Suite, for example, costs $300 per named user with a support bill of
$66; there’s a per-processor option of $15,000 with a $3,300 support bill.
Java SE comes with the free JDK and JRE, but Advanced Desktop, Advanced and
Suite layer in additional capabilities such as Java Mission Control and
Flight Recorder also known as JRockit Mission Control and JRockit Flight
Java SE is free for what Oracle defines as “general purpose computing” –
devices that in the words of its licence cover desktops, notebooks,
smartphones and tablets. It is not free for what Oracle’s licence defines
as “specialized embedded computers used in intelligent systems”, which
Oracle further defines as - among other things - mobile phones, hand-held
devices, networking switches and Blu-Ray players.
Java SE is free
Java SE is free
Java SE is free
Advanced Desktop、Advanced、Suite的商業功能要開啟都要額外加flag
再來文中提到的Java Mission Control(JMC)跟Flight Recorder(FR),
JMC說明文件寫得很清楚,除了FR功能以外使用JMC UI不需要商業授權
啟動java的時候沒加上flag FR根本不會有資料
第三,所謂通用裝置包括桌機、筆電、平板,這底下使用Java SE都是免費
嵌入式系統本來就不是使用Java SE,用的是別的版本
想要使用Oracle JDK但是不想被Oracle法律部門找喝茶只需要:
1. 沒授權就別使用-XX:+UnlockCommercial開頭的JVM選項
2. 只在"通用計算裝置"下使用"Java SE"
作者: liddle (Guderian) 2016-12-21 14:57:00
這是一個樹上一隻鳥被開槍打死後,樹上還有幾隻鳥的問題。微軟收購Xamarin的當天,就把Xamarin旗下的RoboVM關掉因為RoboVM用Java編譯iOS app ......