[徵才] Umbo CV 誠徵 Backend Engineer

作者: kkc (卡西)   2019-09-27 15:12:47
公司名稱: Umbo Computer Vision
公司地址: 台北市內湖區瑞光路 266 號 5F
公司網址: https://umbocv.ai
- Backend Engineer (Cloud Infrastructure)
[What you'll be doing]
- Design and develop tools to improve infrastructure efficiency,
including data tracking and automation.
- Help design architectures that offer rapid scalability,
reliability, and high availability and contribute to
software maintenance and operational excellence.
- Assist developers with cloud-native design adoptions.
- Contribute to incident responses, no-blame postmortem analysis
and review.
[What you'll need]
- BS in Computer Science/Engineering or related experiences
- Ability to work with container technologies like Docker
- Familiar with one of Python, Golang, and shell scripts
- Experience with public clouds like AWS or GCP
- Experience of developing and running applications on a cloud
- Working proficiency in English
[Nice to have]
- Experience with Kubernetes
- CI/CD experience with Jenkins
- Experience with Packer and Terraform
- Experience with configuration management such as Ansible and SaltStack
員工是否需自備工具? (否): Macbook Pro
資薪 (年薪): 14個月, junior 70萬, senior 100萬以上
工時: 09:00 - 18:00,時間自由
- 工時彈性,也可以 remote 在家工作
- 特休天數無上限
- 提供 MacBook pro + 外接顯示器
- 年度健康檢查補助
- 不定期員工聚餐
- 舒適的辦公室,提供 Herman Miller Aeron 1.0 椅子
- 沒有水果但是有提供不健康零食、飲料
- 不定時有人會請喝飲料
公司分紅與獎金: 依績效及專案發放
Umbo Computer Vision is an artificial intelligence company
developing autonomous security systems for enterprises.
Our mission is to create automated security event recognition systems
that are capable of spotting potential physical security risks,
leading to real-time protection of people and their assets
with higher operation efficiency.
Places where you would see our product/services range from small offices,
local stores, hotel franchises to large national retailers,
city surveillance, school districts, warehouse,
major transportation facilities and much more.
Our team is looking for adventurous talents to ride the journey together.
請透過 Email: [email protected]
或是官網看其他職缺: https://umbocv.ai/join_us
作者: aaa12478 (asun)   2019-09-27 16:25:00
看起來好棒 推一個
作者: Jasonnor (Jasonnor)   2019-09-27 16:43:00
作者: wsp151515 ( )   2019-09-27 17:05:00
作者: liufrank21 (ban)   2019-09-27 17:29:00
作者: somefatguy   2019-09-27 18:51:00
作者: asdg62558 (吐司皮克)   2019-09-27 19:08:00
作者: TheOneisNEO (Thomas Anderson)   2019-09-27 20:49:00
應該不行 他們有的人只會英文 中文應該完全不會
作者: excusemejoe (冰之傳承者)   2019-09-27 21:22:00
<= 正在裡面 (這邊頗硬,但可以玩到很多新東西
作者: Jockey66666 (往事已成追憶)   2019-09-27 22:27:00
很棒 ! 可惜技能點不足 QQ
作者: Diawchen (weiwei)   2019-09-27 23:30:00
推推 今年在umbo實習了五個月 收穫滿滿 裡面的人都樂意教學 氣氛非常棒 而且強者雲集
作者: lukelove (午睡)   2019-09-27 23:37:00
Herman Miller Aeron
作者: BignoZe (BignoZe)   2019-09-28 01:13:00
作者: rti56kt (彼岸)   2019-09-28 01:44:00
作者: jyuan1993 (Yuan)   2019-09-28 03:34:00
氣氛不錯但junior 70萬微低
作者: keroro01 (PTT重度使用者)   2019-09-28 19:29:00
感覺不錯 缺點也寫的很具體 推一個
作者: LinuxKernel (Linus Torvalds)   2019-09-28 21:19:00
作者: GordonPeng (Gordon)   2019-09-28 21:59:00
作者: zxcand (ㄈㄈ)   2019-09-29 08:28:00
作者: Jalex   2019-09-29 14:45:00
其實沒聽說過有同事拿這麼少~ 真的拿到低標 offer 的請私訊,我們願意一起幫你跟HR談 XD
作者: cjamhe01385 (徹)   2019-09-29 20:09:00
作者: jason710068 (綜合水果汁z)   2019-10-08 01:10:00

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