Falldog (Yo)
2020-12-30 21:04:01嗨~ 大家好~ 又來佔大家的版面了
從貨運承攬系統開始,GoFreight 要解決的不是只有業者在營運上的工作流程問題,舉凡
從業務、市場行銷到客戶服務,GoFreight 期能透過軟體開發硬實力來解決貨運承攬產業
數位化過程所面臨的問題。基石創投總經理林子璞表示,GoFreight 是少數能拿下歐美市
GoFreight 不斷成長後,能和基金股東 PChome 探索更多在跨境物流上合作的可能性。」
GoFreight 同時也是美國知名創投 Mucker Capital 在台灣投資的第一個新創團隊,
Mucker Capital 除了有投資去年被 PayPal 以 40 億美金 (1200億台幣) 收購的 Honey
,另外兩間獨角獸 ServiceTitan 和 Ordermark,還有已融資 5000 萬美金的
Auditboard 都是屬於 Vertical SaaS 的新創,屬於跟GoFreight相同領域,也是矽谷創
瞭解 Hard Core Tech 映瀚科技與 GoFreight 雲端管理平台:https://bit.ly/38DPrMy
GoFreight | 看看 Meet Taipei 專訪怎麼說:https://bit.ly/2X2NwvH
GoFreight 映瀚科技股份有限公司 (Hard Core Technology Corp.)
職缺:軟體工程師 Full Stack Web Developer / Software Developer
【 Must have 】
- More than 1-year of working experience
- Familiar with Django or other Web frameworks
(Laravel/.Net/Spring/Expressjs, etc.)
- Familiar with MySQL or other RDBMS
- Experience with Javascript / jQuery / CSS
- Familiar with Web Framework MVC or MTV design
- Familiar with Git or SVN or other version control
- Great passion for programming, like to learn new technology and care a
lot about coding quality
【 Must have for Senior 】
- Solid problem-solving skills with proficient attention to detail
- Highly self-motivated and know when to seek guidance
【 Nice to have 】
- Experience working with Python development
- Experience working with Angular development
- Experience working with RESTful API development
- Experience working with Unit-Test
- Experience working with open source development
- Attach GitHub or other personal portfolios
【 Nice to have for Senior 】
- Experience working with rolling upgrade
- Experience working with HA system design
【 Technology that we use 】
- Python 3
- Django 3 + Jinja + REST framework
- Webpack
- Angular 11 / AngularJS
- Celery
- Docker
【 薪資 】
薪資範圍 (年薪):1 ~ 1.5 M TWD (強者可談)
薪資(保證最低年薪,必填項目): 14 個月
年終獎金計算方式: 底薪計算
公司分紅: 視績效與公司營收
【 工時 】
每日工作時間:10:00-19:00 (彈性 8 小時,含中午休息 1 小時)
每周工作時間: 8*5=40 週休二日
員工是否需自備工具? 否,公司配MacBook Pro
【 應徵方式 】
請將履歷寄到 [email protected]
麻煩註明 PTT-Web Developer徵才 - <Your Name>