sayakaa (小V)
2021-08-20 18:02:57※ [本文轉錄自 Tech_Job 看板 #1X2ceuEp ]
作者: dolinian (杜麗娘) 看板: Tech_Job
標題: [徵才] Mavericks 招募 Mobile 開發/軟體 工程師
時間: Wed Aug 4 18:21:42 2021
Mavericks Consulting
111 Somerset Road, #03-09, Triple One Somerset,
Singapore 238164, Singapore, Singapore
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應徵請點擊下方連結進入 Meet.jobs 平台投遞履歷。*
We are a group of passionate and creative people eager to help you
crystallise ideas and turn them into scalable working solutions
fast and aim to deliver real and measurable business value.
We engineer simple solutions to complex business problems by using
Innovative methods backed by an Agile Mindset to deliver valuable
strategic solutions for our clients as early as possible. This is
coupled with our Design Thinking, Engineering finesse and
Continuous Delivery discipline for delivery excellence.
We want to partner and grow with the top businesses and courageous
executives and help achieve their vision and firmly believe in
working together as one team building on a strong foundation of
trust, respect, openness, shared passion and enthusiasm to help
transform your business.
1. Mobile Developer 月薪 5k - 10k 新加坡幣
2. Fullstack/Software Developer 月薪 5k - 10k 新加坡幣
[工作內容 / 應徵條件]