NiP的教練pita說如果Valve沒有禁止flusha參加DreamHack Winter的話 Valve會非常他*的羞恥 距離DH Winter到來只剩一周的時間了兩個隊伍-"Titan"和"Espilon" 已經因為兩名成員"KQLY"及"Sf" 而被作為瑞典的主辦方取消資格 儘管沒有跡象顯示另一波VAC封鎖何時來臨 猜疑的氣氛已經圍繞在CS的頂尖玩家中 NiP的教練pita現在對fnatic的flusha感到瞧不起 看來他相信fnatic的王牌應該在DreamHack Winter來臨前被VAC給封掉 pita的那則推特已經被刪除,但是你可以找到它的截圖如下 pita:對CS的社群和每一個認真努力的玩家來說是他*的羞恥 如果flusha沒有被禁止參加DreamHack Winter賽事 @csgo_dev(CS:GO的人)很明顯的偏袒讓flusha能夠(不被VAC Ban) 參加DreamHack fnatic自家的教練"Devilwalk"不易外的站在自己的隊員一方回應了pita的指控 @farukpita @csgo_dev 當你明白你犯了多大的錯誤時 你會對於自己對於flshua有如獵巫般的不正當指控感到羞愧 玩了超過400場遊戲(我也是啊 幹 怎麼沒什麼人說我作弊) 有5萬名玩家看到全部的東西 相信我,你可以讓任何人都看起來很可疑 不管你們信不信,反正我是信了 Fiffy表示:幹 我都退了才知道原來我不是爛 而是你們都作弊 Ninjas in Pyjamas coach Faruk "pita" Pita says it will be a "f*cking disgrace" if Valve allows fnatic's Robin "flusha" Rönnquist to take part in DreamHack Winter. Just a week the DH Winter, two teams, Titan and Epsilon, have already been disqualified from the Swedish major as a result of the VAC bans handed to Hovik "KQLY" Tovmassian and Gordon "Sf" Giry, respectively. Despite the fact that there is no evidence pointing towards a new ban wave coming anytime soon, an air of suspicion continues to surround the top tier of the Counter-Strike scene. NiP's coach Faruk "pita" Pita has now taken a jibe at Robin "flusha" Rö nnquist, seemingly revealed that he believes the fnatic ace should be VAC banned before DH Winter. The tweet has since been deleted, but you can find a screenshot of it below. fnatic's own coach, Jonatan "Devilwalk" Lundberg, has already responded to such allegations, and it is no surprise to see him stand for his player. Devilwalk: @farukpita @csgo_dev when u understand how wrong u are, u will be ashamed for wrongfully judgeing a player based on a witchhunt on him Playing over 400 games proffesionally having 50k people watching everything , u can make anyone look suspicious.. trust me