※ [本文轉錄自 GTA 看板 #1L5Y46MZ ]
作者: Soaz (o)___(o) 看板: GTA
標題: [GTA5] 官方放出15張截圖 下週發預告片
時間: Sat Mar 28 11:33:21 2015
Today, we've got an all new set of high resolution screenshots for you from
the forthcoming PC version of GTAV. Arriving on April 14th, GTAV for PC is
fully optimized to support all the latest and greatest hardware with an
abundance of PC-specific enhancements (system specs).
全面優化 支援最新最屌的硬體
Look for the official GTAV PC trailer next week - and also, if you plan on
getting the digital download version, make sure to pre-order by next week
Tuesday March 31st to get $1.5 million in in-game bonus money to spend
(GTA$500K for Story Mode and GTA$1M for GTA Online use).
不管是4g mean 4g 還是 4g mean 3.5g 全部都支援 全部都優化的樣子 lol
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