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2017-11-28 20:20:36上上篇77號避難所反應冷淡,上篇81號避難所回應炸鍋
正史:Fallout 1/2/3/New Vegas/4,以及所有衍生漫畫
半正史:Fallout Tactics、Fallout Warfare、Official Fallout Game Guides
Vault 87 87號避難所(Fallout 3)
Vault 87 is one of the vault series of fallout shelters developed by
Vault-Tec. It is located northwest of Little Lamplight and southwest of
Broadcast tower KT8. It is the birthplace of the super mutants and centaurs
in the Capital Wasteland.
87號避難所位於Little Lamplight的西北方KT8廣播塔的西南方,是首都廢土的超級變種
Background 背景
Construction on Vault 87 began in May 2066 and finished in December 2071. The
primary computer system was Cyberbrain v2.3, while energy was provided by a
General Atomics nuclear reactor, with a backup Versicorps fusion power
generator. Non-standard equipment included four stasis chambers, a plasma
containment field, six food processing stations and a Garden of Eden Creation
87號避難所於2066年5月興建、2071年12月完工。主電腦是Cyberbrain 2.3版,能源系統
Around 2076, the original Vault experiment was scrapped and the Vault was
converted into a secondary research center that would study the effects of
the Forced Evolutionary Virus on humans, exclusively for Dr Wayne Merrick and
his staff. Using batch 11-111 as basis, the team attempted to create a virus
batch that would result in reliable creation of humans adapted to the
post-nuclear environment, the Evolutionary Experimentation Program. However,
despite the efforts of the science team, only inferior mutants were created:
despite a substantial increase in size, strength and practical immunity to
environmental hazards, the subjects suffered from considerable mental damage
and extreme aggression towards their surroundings.
,由Wayne Merrick博士和他的團隊負責。他們以11-111號試劑為基礎,想創造出一種能
The Overseer and his security guards were well aware of the nature of the
experimentation, they were following their orders from Vault-Tec.
Unfortunately, the standard security measures were not enough. A year after
the Vault was sealed (following a disastrous nuclear detonation right on top
of the entry cave), some test subjects broke free, overwhelming the security
force, and beginning a haphazard dipping process.
Since then, the mutants are effectively a staple of the Capital Wasteland.
They are obsessed with the preservation of their species, due to the fact
that they are all irrevocably sterile. Super mutants kidnap humans from all
over the Capital Wasteland and bring them to the vault to be mutated. They
have been doing so for nearly 200 years, until their source of FEV started to
run out. Because of the shortage of the "green stuff," there are now super
mutant bands searching all over the Capital Wasteland for a new source of the
By 2277, the Vault is in a state of disrepair. Lack of maintenance led to
advanced deterioration of subsystems and even the very structure of the
vault. Parts of it have collapsed entirely. The mutants, owing to their low
intelligence, have adapted various sections of the bunker in an ad hoc
fashion. For example, medical recovery rooms were turned into makeshift
prison cells meant to store experiments deemed a failure (like Fawkes).
Vault 88 88號避難所(Fallout 4)
Vault 88 is a Vault-Tec vault and settlement that appears in the Fallout 4
add-on Vault-Tec Workshop, accessed by a small cave beneath Quincy Quarries.
88號避難所可以從Quincy Quarries下面的小洞進去。
Background 背景
When America descended into nuclear devastation on October 23rd, 2077, Vault
88 was still under construction near a rich deposit of uranium to provide a
steady supply of nuclear material for the Vault's many purposes. Vault-Tec's
failure to complete the project on time led to countless lost lives. In what
was perhaps one of Vault-Tec's greatest construction mishaps, the entrance to
Vault 88 became buried in rubble as soon as the bombs fell during the Great
War. It was only recently uncovered, thanks to the efforts of some curious
raiders. They encountered resistance while trying to enter the Vault through
the door, which was designed to withstand a direct hit from a nuclear
payload. Overseer Valery Barstow, though ghoulified, was very much alive
after 200 years. Surrounded by feral brethren, she nonetheless refused to let
the raiders inside, defending her life's work against them.
Valery Barstow已經屍鬼化並活了兩百年,儘管她身邊都是已經瘋狂的同類,但她仍拒絕
What was her life's work? Under Doctor Stanislaus Braun's directive, Vault 88
was not assigned any particular experiment. Instead, it served as the proving
ground intended to test a variety of prototype devices with the aim of
rolling them out through the rest of the Vaults. Once Vault 88 was fully
operational, the company expected to roll out new devices every fiscal
quarter. Unlike other Vaults, Vault-Tec would send test subjects before any
disaster scenario, starting in early 2078. Human lives were considered
irrelevant, with quick iteration time given a priority. The Vault was never
completed due to consistent delays and setbacks. By August 29, 2077, only the
entrance section and the reactor were installed, with the remainder of the
Vault still being excavated. By October, the situation changed little. The
construction crews were consistently slacking off, using the finished
entrance as a dog and pony show to distract any guests, especially the visit
by the VIPs planned for October 23. A brief visit that turned to permanent
residence as a horde of ghouls sealed underground with Overseer Valery
她原本是做什麼的?根據Stainslaus Braun博士的指示,88號避難所並沒有任何特定實驗
果這天暫時的訪客成為了永久的居民,成為了被監督Valery Barstow關在地底的屍鬼們…
Settlement information 地理資訊
Vault 88 is absolutely massive after the North, East and North-East sectors
have been activated, easily covering the area of Sanctuary Hills (the largest
settlement in the Commonwealth) five times over. There is an abundance of
scrap materials available within the cavern, including steel, concrete, wood,
and even nuclear material in the uranium caves. There is a steel supply in
excess of 2000 pieces from the abandoned construction teams throughout the
cavern, and cavern walls provide more than 500 units of concrete.
88號避難所的北區、東區和東北區啟動之後,其範圍大到能輕易覆蓋五個Sanctury Hills
The entire cavern is suitable for agriculture, but once an actual vault is
built in the cavern, a space will need to be set aside specifically for
growing crops. In addition, there is a flooded cavern to the east of the main
atrium that can be used for high scale water production. Because of where the
Vault is situated, it is not uncommon for it to be raided; still, the
settlement has a complete bottleneck with only one hallway leading into the
vault, meaning there is no guesswork when it comes to erecting defenses.
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