請注意是 predict 明天 2013/05/02 Thu. Taistock 現貨收盤價
The choices are as follows:
1. Taistock 漲 紅 K and Taistock > = 8255.53
2. Taistock 漲 K and Taistock > = 8174.60
3. Taistock 跌 紅 K and Taistock < = 8012.72
4. Taistock 跌 K and Taistock < = 7931.79
5. Taistock 通 殺
6. 莊家阿鼻 通 殺
7. 口罩概念 通 殺
8. V 妹持股 通 殺
9. 紅茶認購 通 殺
其中 5 stands for Taistock_0502 漲或跌點數 < = 13.14
其中 6 stands for 3474 盤中touch 漲停價
其中 7 stands for 9103 收盤跌停或漲停
其中 8 stands for 2520 漲或跌幅度 > 3.2%
其中 9 stands for 058662 漲或跌幅度 > 18.56%
<The Reward>
PTT Stock boardmates who guess the correct number will win
the lottery, that is 168 ptt cash. (after-tax)
This time I will give stock boardmates 100 units. (at most)
Priority:8 > 6 > 7 > 9 > 5 > 4 = 3 = 2 = 1
Due:2013/05/02 Thu. 07:59 ptt system time