※ 引述《fantasy14 (我可以看見嗎)》之銘言:
: Even the population increase or more human source,
: the econonmy of china still not be improved.
: Because the money is not enough, and the food is not enough.
: For example,
: In Taiwan the less wage with more prices
: which let many young man have no enough money to marry or have a baby.
: If the population increcase,the food & many things will more expensive.
: Because the resource is limited but human is not limited.
: There are too many people to share the resource in the world.
自己翻成中文好了 怕有人看不懂意思 一直扯什麼糧食危機
像台灣 工資變少物價變高 使得很多年輕人沒有足夠的錢去結婚生子
假如人口增加,會讓食物跟很多東西 變很貴
因為資源是有限的 但是人是無限的
世界上會有太多人去瓜分資源 (有限的資源)