板工提醒:內容少於二十字 或 少於三行,會立刻砍文,並視情況劣退!
You: hi
Stranger: hola
Stranger: And I’m a male, still wanna chat? Wouldn’t mind if u disconnect.
You: it;s fine
You: male 19 jp
You: your net is slow
Stranger: konbonwa
Stranger: hajimemashite
You: nice to see you ,too
Stranger: LOL
You: domo
You: yoloshiku
Stranger: good to meet u online young gentlemen
Stranger: hows everything in japan
You: h1n1 is so terrible
You: i can't go out
You: i'm afraid
Stranger: that bad?
Stranger: sorry to know that
Stranger: i heard its getting more serious in your country but has someone
really died becoz of H1N1?
You: where r u from
Stranger: taiwan