[廣宣] 茶.語言交換 每週六2PM 近美術園道

作者: moon7562 ((。..。)   2017-12-07 13:45:46
茶.語言交換 Chai & Language Exchange
給 熱愛語言學習的朋友:
地點在台中市西區五權六街61巷5號 茶部Chai Pù。店主人曾在印度工作過,因而對印度
To whom love learning languages:
It very honor to invite you to join our language exchange club. Our purpose
is improve ability of conversation and leisurely talk just as friend.
The location is at Chai Pù (No.5, Ln. 61, Wuquan 6th St., West Dist.,
Taichung City). This is a masala tea shop, the owner who has been worked in
India and keen on learning Indian’s tea culture. After back to Taiwan, she
decided to have her own tea shop. Every ingredient of tea and spices all pick
from herself from India and trying hundred times to choose their own style
masala tea. The opening time is from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., it very welcome you
to taste tea at Chai Pù.
Fee: minimum charge is NTD 100 per person.
Time: From 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on every Saturday
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1961804200807873/

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