Taurus horoscope for Aug 26 - Sep 1 2019
You need to do your very best to maintain an aura of peace and harmony within
yourself and with the world around you. This week, Taurus, you may be dealing
with some especially stressful circumstances and some very challenging persona
lities. All of this could cause you to lose your temper, say things you either
don't mean - or wish you hadn't said - and so on.
Despite this, you need to find good in any experience you have and think hopef
ul thoughts at every turn. Don't stress over the small stuff; and with the big
stuff, just come up with a strategy and work it out. If you maintain a can-do
attitude and address any issues with a peaceful mindset, you will do well.
Later in the week and on the weekend, steer away from the urge to control a si
tuation that seems out of control. Clinging tightly to this and trying to dire
ct it in the direction you think it should go might cause the situation to bec
ome more combative; whereas, if you just let it go on without intervention, ev
erything may work out quite well.