Re: [請益] 一個應徵的問題,是謎語=.=

作者: Karennano (現在怎麼了?)   2013-08-09 17:29:16
※ 引述《Karennano (現在怎麼了?)》之銘言:
: Instructions:
: Below you will find a riddle. Once you solved it, locate the cell it's
: pointing to and read it's content.
: Row Hint:
: esacreppusirEbmunworeht.llewyreV?detacoLsinoitseuqtercEsehterehWrevocsidoTsuoiruc
: Column Hint:
: Subtract the row number you obtained from 15 and convert it to its
: corresponding letter
: 我實在google不到,所以請教版上神人的協助,謝謝。
感謝大家的幫忙,考試是FQA for game company, 以下是我解不出來的問題:
What are the ascii codes for the following characters: "ë", "Ö", "í"?
Please answer with what key combination you would need to press to make these
characters appear, like so: "ALT+…".
Is it possible to resolve the following problem?
How did you determine your answer?
答案是 0 嗎? 我用Excel插入函數算出來的。
作者: adks3489 (James)   2013-08-09 17:36:00
作者: adks3489 (James)   2013-08-09 17:38:00
第一題查EASCII, 幾號就按幾
作者: jannine (小肥羊)   2013-08-11 12:02:00
ctrl+c ctrl+v

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