Job function:
Zyflex, subsidiary of Zyxel group, is a leading company focusing on satellite,
vechiluar, manpack and handheld radios.
We are seeking new members for positions involve the development and design of
wireless communication system on SDR platforms for a variety of wireless
modem products.
Successful applicants will participate in the design, implementation,
integration, and verification of the base-band communication system.
Applicants must have a background in digital communication theory and
experienced in at least ONE of the following areas:
- Filter design
- Channel Estimation
- Linear/non-linear Equalization
- Synchronization
- Error-Correction Codes
- MIMO Channel
- CDMA/Spread Spectrum
Hands-on experience with implementing a communication system is a plus.
Familiar with Hardware Description Language is a plus.
Development and design digital baseband system. Design transmitter and receiver
architecture, functional modeling, and verify.
Cooperate with other engineers for solving issues such like module interface,
area optimization and performance tuning.
Education Requirements:
Master's or equivalent experience.
合勤集團新鮮人起薪 $47000 NTD 有經驗者另議
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