Elon Musk Disses Apple: “Apple Hires The Engineers We Fire”
Did you ever take a look at the Apple Watch? (laughs) No, seriously: It’s
good that Apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are very
complex compared to phones or smartwatches. You can’t just go to a supplier
like Foxconn and say: Build me a car. But for Apple, the car is the next
logical thing to finally offer a significant innovation. A new pencil or a
bigger iPad alone were not relevant enough.
They have hired people we’ve fired. We always jokingly call Apple the “
Tesla Graveyard.” If you don’t make it at Tesla, you go work at Apple. I’m
not kidding.
看來Elon Musk沒在開玩笑...Apple專收Tesla淘汰掉的員工...
如果要幹掉Elon Musk,確實是有不少領域要超過他才行, SpaceX, Tesla...Tim坦的住嗎?