loddy (<>)
2017-01-03 22:42:16【公司名稱】Taylormade golf company
【應徵職稱】Taiwan Team Advanced Design Engineer
‧Use your skills with Pro/Engineer (Creo) to conduct a wide
variety of complex tasks in the creation and development
of new process fixtures and limited design modification.
‧Lead and collaborate on new designs
‧Create accurate and controlled files, engineering drawings,
and specifications. Effectively communicate details with
California USA advanced technology team coworkers.
‧Engage in product testing in lab and outside test
environments. Conduct research-oriented studies to further
knowledge and understanding of performance and product usage.
‧Develop or create new process with well recorded documents
to help setting up production process in Asia suppliers.
Cost and efficiency consideration is necessary for process
setting up.
‧Urgent case in Asia suppliers for trouble shooting and some
fundamental long term study is required.
‧Performs other related duties as assigned
‧Basic CAD skill with Pro/Engineer (Creo), or similar
parametric modeling
‧Strong knowledge of materials (Carbon & Stainless Steels,
titanium & aluminum alloys, polymers, and composites)
‧Strong knowledge of manufacturing methods (Investment casting,
Forging, Machining, Etching, Welding, Coating, Injection
molding, etc.)
‧Strong communication skills and collaboration mentality: Must
be fluent in English (written and oral), have excellent
interpersonal skills; ability to communicate effectively with
all levels of the organization (e.g. marketing, sales,
engineering, production, Tour reps, technicians, etc.)
‧Knowledge of golf principles and associated terminology a plus,
but not required.
‧Flexible and creative work skill for variety projects at the
same time.
‧Car driving skill for the shuttle between office and Taiwan
【薪資範圍】90K/month and up, negotiable
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