【公司名稱】新創公司 新馳科技股份有限公司
【職缺名稱】電腦視覺 / 機器學習工程師 (自動駕駛相關演算法)
computer vision
- Design or apply computer vision models in one of the following areas:
feature detection, feature extraction, object detection,
object recognition, object tracking and image segmentation.
- Perform data cleaning, data preprocessing, and data visualization.
- Work with the team to implement and deploy computer vision models into
the productions.
machine learning
- Design or apply machine learning models in one of the following areas:
object detection, object recognition, and image segmentation.
- Perform data cleaning, data preprocessing, and data visualization.
- Work with the team to implement and deploy machine learning models into
the productions.
computer vision
- MS or PhD in computer science or electrical engineering with a focus on
computer vision or equivalent practical experience.
- 3+ years of industry experience in applying computer vision techniques
to the following tasks such as feature detection, feature extraction,
object detection, object recognition, object tracking and image
- 2+ years of experience with at least one of the following image
processing algorithms, including image matching, space/time domain
analysis, morphology, SFM, ranging and depth etc.
- Proficient in Matlab, Python and/or C++.
- Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
machine learning
- MS or PhD in computer science or electrical engineering with a focus on
machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence or equivalent
practical experience.
- 3+ years of industry experience in applying machine learning techniques
to computer vision tasks such as object detection, object recognition,
object tracking, image segmentation.
- 2+ years of experience with at least one of the deep learning frameworks,
including TensorFlow, Caffe(2), Keras, PyTorch, MXNet, Theano etc.
- Proficient in Python and/or C++.
- Excellent communication and teamwork skills.
- 月薪:台幣100K ~ 300K(依照經驗能力談薪,有相關經驗者範圍不限於此)
- 年薪:保障12個月
- 每日工作時間: 09:00 ~ 18:00 (8小時) 中午休息(12:00~13:00)
- 每周工作時間: 8*5 = 40
- 週休二日、見紅就放
- 優於勞基法的休假
- 人性化管理
- 每天彈性上下班時間,不必和打卡鐘賽跑
- 具競爭力的調薪和升遷制度,用心絕對會有代價
- 各種主題的教育訓練,重視員工的發展及獨特性
- 定期進行員工健檢,善盡監督員工健康的責任
- 公司年度分紅:
台北市信義區 (捷運附近,交通便利)
- Email : [email protected]
- 信件主旨: [PTT] 應徵電腦視覺/機器學習工程師