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這次 acer 也有參加 11/7 的 Meet.jobs 快速面試,
跳過繁瑣的傳統面試流程,10 分鐘直接與用人主管對談!
如果你對企業有更多想了解的,Meet.jobs 會竭誠為大家服務
參與企業:acer, 電獺, BenQ明基材料, Dcard, Tomofun(Furbo),
Gogoro, Playsee, Titansoft, Swingvy...等,歡迎立刻應徵卡位面一波!
# IT Manager
1.2m - 1.7m /年薪
The IT Manager is responsible for leading professional team for all
Microsoft Active Directory & Exchange & M365 activities, Infra budget
control, HelpDesk and new solutions investigation. This includes
regular System operations checking, tuning, monitoring, designing and
resolving complex client related problems.
Mechanical RD Manager/Associate Manager
850k - 1.5m /年薪
1. To solve the factory problems of ME issue after MP.
2. Designs, analyzes, documents and functionally validates
mechanical components and assemblies.
3. Mechanical structure and component design.
4. Project development and mass production beginning trouble shoot.
5. Timely resolve technical / quality issues from mechanical vendors.
6. Responsible for testing, analysis and debug on assigned project.
7. Work cross-functionally with PM, ID, ME, EE and Thermal,…
all function teams to come out workable solutions.
8. Production feasibility study estimation
9. Study new technology
# RF Supervisor
640k - 1.25m /年薪
As an RF RD Supervisor you will be responsible for leading RF design
and integration for various wireless devices with support of internal
and ODM/RF partners. You will work closely with internal team
(Antenna /ME/ID/EE/BIOS) and external partners to drive key aspects
of product definition, design, optimization, implementation and test.
You must be responsive, flexible, attentive to details and able to
succeed within an open collaborative environment.
# eSports platform Web Engineer
640k - 1.1m TWD / 年薪
This job of Website Engineer in eSports team is responsible for
maintenance and development of web pages which are related with
platform operations and promotion events.
To handle the related engineering independently, candidate of this
job should have professional skills on website maintenance and
webpage development.
本次快速面試還有多達 10 種以上的職缺一次看:https://bit.ly/2T0Dzws
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有任何問題歡迎推文或是來信 [email protected] 詢問