[徵才] 美商英特爾Intel徵 BIOS/Silicon Firmwa

作者: KeepMyWord (噹噹噹)   2021-11-12 13:28:50
我朋友他們公司Intel 在徵 Silicon Firmware Engineer (BIOS Engineer),
詳細內容請看 官網:
Job Description
‧ The role will be working with Intel silicon design teams and BIOS architectur
e teams to develop BIOS/FW and reference code for supporting Intel CPUs, chipset
s and technologies, as well as debug software and BIOS/FW related issues. Also r
esponsible for creating specifications, documents for internal and external use/
‧ The candidate can build experience/skill in system architecture, software dev
elopment, operating systems, and hardware design.
‧ You must possess a Bachelor of Science degree or Master of Science degree in
Computer Science or Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering with a Minimu
m of four years of experience in UEFI based System BIOS development.
‧ Additional qualifications includes:
- Good software architecture, design and debugging skills
- Good problem solving and decision making skill
- Good communication and/or presentation skills
- Knowledge of C and preferably assembly language
- Good knowledge of UEFI BIOS
- Good knowledge of X86 system hardware architecture
- Knowledge of ACPI specification and other industry standards
- Knowledge of Windows OS and Linux (a plus)
- Ability to persuade others with technical knowledge for the proposed designs/s
月薪: 依照資歷計算 100 - 300+/年
一年保證14月+Quaterly Bonus+Annual Bonus+股票分紅+開放以員工價購股票
(剛工作一兩年者也可以申請, 外商沒什麼天花板, 你能力在哪, Job Grade在哪就會有多少
年假: 第一年年假12天+生日假1天+7天Floating leave
(只要你願意, 絕對可以請完)
工時: 責任制 平均上班時間約8~9 Hr
(無打卡 無須強制進入辦公室)
地點: 台北市南港區忠孝東路7段369號
優點: 吃不完的水果+ 餅乾+咖啡機+各種飲料/社團活動/按摩椅/跑步機/飛鏢機/桌
上型足球/樓下就是南港CityLink & GlobalMall
缺點: 進來自己慢慢體會
聽說此部門為RD部門 所以你會寫Silicon/Platform development/debug相關的source code
[email protected] 唐先生

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