modjo (Sammy Sammy Oi Oi )
2017-11-12 19:25:46其實也不算是新聞
前澳洲網球天才少女Jelena Dokic的父親Damir Dokic算是網球界相當知名的鬼父之ㄧ
Jelena Dokic即將出版的新書‘Unbreakable’詳細揭露她父親對她的暴行
“He beat me really badly,” Dokic told The Sunday Telegraph in a special
interview that will also air on FoxSports. “It basically started day one of
me playing tennis,” Dokic said. “It continued on from there. It spiralled
out of control.”
他把我打的很慘, 從我第一天開始打網球就是如此, 之後情況越來越失控
Jelena Dokic’s allegations include:
Jelena Dokic的指控包括:
—Damir Dokic beating her so badly she once lost consciousness
Damir Dokic曾經把她打到失去意識
—Dokic repeatedly whipping her with his leather belt because of “a mediocre
training session (or) a loss, a bad mood”;
Damir Dokic用皮帶頭不斷的抽打她 只因為不滿意訓練成果或純粹因為心情不好
—Dokic spitting in her face, pulling her hair and ears and kicking her in
the shins with sharp dress shoes, leaving her bruised and bloody;
吐口水在她臉上 拉扯她的頭髮跟耳朵 用尖銳的鞋頭踢她小腿 導致她瘀青流血
—Dokic unleashing constant vile verbal abuse including calling his teenage
daughter a “slut” and a “whore”.
不斷的用言語羞辱她 例如罵她蕩婦 妓女
Jelena Dokic提到讓她印象最深刻的一次經驗是發生在2000年
Jelena Dokic said when she was just 17 in 2000, her father abandoned her at
Wimbledon after her semi-final loss to Lindsay Davenport, leaving her at the
courts and refusing to allow her to return to the hotel room she was paying
2000年當年她才17歲 她在溫布頓四強賽輸給了Davenport後 她父親把她遺棄在球場上
而且不准她回飯店 即使飯店錢是她付的...
Even though she reached world No. 4 by the age of 19, she said her father was
never satisfied by her achievements on the court.
即便她在19歲的時候就已經排名世界第四 她父親依然不滿意
She also reveals in the book the worst beating she ever received, after a
first-round loss at the du Maurier Open in Canada in 2000.
在書中還提到 她被打最慘的一次是發生在2000年 她在加拿大女子公開賽第一輪輸球後
“It was a really nasty memory that will stay with me forever … I ended up
fainting,” she said in the interview. “He beat me really badly.”
"這個痛苦的回憶將一輩子跟著我 因為我被打到昏了過去了" "他真的把我打的很慘"
She said her father’s decision in 2001 to force her to switch nationalities
from Australia to Yugoslavia is her greatest regret.
她表示 在2001年他父親硬逼她將國籍由澳洲轉為南斯拉夫是她最後悔的一件事
“If I could turn back time, I would like to take back him making me switch
from playing for Australia and playing for Yugoslavia … a few years later I
came back and played for Australia ... but so much damage was done.”
雖然幾年後她又將國籍轉回澳洲 但很多傷害已經造成無法挽回
她的父親Damir Dokic目前居住在南斯拉夫(他父親曾因威脅殺害澳洲大使被關了一年)
“If I was ever a little bit more aggressive towards Jelena, it was for her
"如果說我對Jelena太過嚴厲 那也是為了她好"
“When I was young, I was beaten by my parents and I am now thankful to them
for that, because that helped me to become the right person. Anyway, is there
any parent who didn’t do that at least once or twice — of course, for the
sake of their children?” he said.
"我年輕的時候 我的父母也會打我 而我現在卻很感謝他們 因為那幫助我成為一個正當的
人 總而言之 我只是犯了全天下父母偶爾都會犯的錯 這一切還不都是為了小孩好~"