kilva (嗡嗡)
2016-04-14 20:33:41新聞來源: http://tinyurl.com/jkq6ojb
Rift's 'exclusive' games and demos already running on HTC Vive
Rift「獨占」遊戲與展示樣品已可在HTC Vive運作
By Ben Kuchera on Apr 13, 2016 at 6:19p
The Oculus Rift has already seen the loss of a few games that were
supposedly exclusive to the platform, and it looks like third-party
programmers are making sure many other Oculus Rift games will be able
to run on the HTC Vive. A proof of concept program posted on GitHub
has enabled Lucky's Tale and the Oculus Dreamdeck demos to run on the
HTC Vive.
Oculus Rift已經少掉了一些獨占遊戲,而現在看來似乎有第三方程式可讓其他
Oculus Rift的遊戲在HTC Vive上運作。一款公布在GitHub上的概念驗證程式可
讓Lucky's Tale及Oculus Dreamdeck試玩版運作於HTC Vive之上。
"It works by reimplementing functions from the Oculus Runtime and
translating them to OpenVR calls," the page states. "Unfortunately
Oculus has implemented a Code Signing check on the Runtime DLLs,
therefore the Revive DLLs cannot be used unless the application is
網頁上寫道,「其原理是重新實作Oculus Runtime上的函式,並轉譯成OpenVR
The process is very simple. Here are the instructions, straight from
the project’s Github listing:
Download the Lucky's Tale patch here.
下載Lucky's Tale的補丁。
Install Lucky's Tale from Oculus Home, then go to C:\Program Files
從Oculus Home安裝Lucky's Tale,然後到其資料夾C:\Program Files
Extract the patch in that folder, it will overwrite
LT_Data\Plugins\OVRPlugin.dll so make sure you have a backup.
Make sure SteamVR is running and then start LT.exe, for convenience you can
also add LT.exe as a non-steam game to your SteamVR dashboard.
This is just the beginning. It sounds like any Oculus-ready game can be made
playable on the Vive. "The Revive DLLs already contain the necessary hooking
code to work around the Code Signing check in any application," the
description explains. "However you will still need to patch the application
to actually load the Revive DLLs."
We were able to test the downloads ourselves and yep, Dreamdeck works just
fine on the HTC Vive. It's not just a matter of games being compatible using
this tool, which would be interesting enough, but the Vive's enhanced
tracking makes it possible to walk around the scenes in Dreamdeck. This, in
many cases, makes the experience better than it currently is on the Oculus
我們能自己下載來測試,而確實,Dreamdeck在HTC Vive上一樣運作得很好。不
在Oculus Rift上來得更好。
The Vive's chaperone system, which shows you the limits of your play space,
also works just fine on the Rift titles. They seem to run nearly as well as
native Vive titles in our testing.
"It may work with plenty of other games, but that hasn't been tested by
myself," Reddit user CrossVR, who posted the program, stated. "It's still
early days for this project, since it's only been in development for a few
weeks. In the future more games will be supported, but I'm glad to see such
swift progress already."
依據新聞裡的步驟,必須要同時有Oculus Rift及HTC Vive才有可能實現,而且
不過,真正重要的可能不是這個程式,而是其概念驗證本身。Oculus Rift上的
遊戲可以輕易地轉成HTC Vive可運作的遊戲,那在Oculus Rift上推出獨占遊戲