ot32em (reverse(wasefo);)
2016-12-03 01:11:27來源:
Reddit 討論: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/comments/5g36p2/htc_vive_latest_news_updates_valve_to_simplify/
新聞來源: https://goo.gl/yVV0hC (http://www.gamenguide.com/)
Virtual Reality technology is a bit pricey that makes people think twice on
trying to explore the VR world. Because of this, Valve has brought good news
to VR fans as it is trying to find for alternative construction systems for
its SteamVR Tracking Base Stations aiming to reduce HTC Vive cost by removing
unnecessary components.
According to Digital Trends, potential innovations can make internal
machinery simple without a blow to its performance, trimming down the buy-in
value for an HTC Vive unit around $100 or more while the Lighthouse Base
Stations are one of the most high-priced components as a requirement for
SteamVR Tracking. The SteamVR Tracking needs two Tracking Base Stations to
perform, which is a requisite that contributes to the high price value of the
HTC Vive.
A Tracking Base Station replacement costs $134 via HTC's online storefront
that is possibly the priciest part of the HTC Vive system beyond the headset,
reports Road to VR. Ben Jackson, the Valve engineer suggested a
penny-pinching solution during the Valve's Steam Dev event.
Jackson said that the Tracking Base Stations currently uses a pair of motors
to trace movements and every motor needs its own laser diode and controller
driving up the cost of HTC Vive by a considerable margin. He suggested a
single-motor solution, which can trim down the hardware production of the
Tracking Base Station in half.
Jackson's design shows that a single motor produces a V-shaped laser outline
in the VR play section, which simultaneously gathers X and Y axis information
without a necessity to add a motor for fine tuning. "What better way to make
[the Base Station] lighter, quieter, cheaper and more power-efficient than to
chop out half the parts?" he asked.
Triad Semiconductor's Reid Wender said that the possible redesigning of the
Tracking Base Stations is a rapid cost reduction. Although Valve has not
announced its plans of redesigning the current units, the estimated
cost-cutting method can cut the price of HTC Vive down to $665, which is
around 17 percent less than its price at the moment.
1. Vive 的 RD 提出只使用一顆馬達的 Base Station 的 Solution
2. 能將 Vive 系統最貴的 $134 鎂 Base Station 中的馬達兩顆變一顆
3. Vive 還在 finding/redesign/possible alternative solution 的階段,莫慌張
4. HTC 什麼都還沒有說
5. 改良過後的 Base Station 使得整體預估價: 799 鎂 -> 665鎂 => -17%
感謝 luyaoting 除錯
看了文中連結的另一篇較詳細的文章 (https://goo.gl/ttXx08)
其實是依然兩顆 Base Station
但是本來每顆 BaseStation 裡面有兩顆馬達各負責 X軸 跟 Y軸的偵測
變成每顆 BaseStation 裡只裝上一顆可偵測 V 型範圍的新馬達
圖1: https://goo.gl/G9ZxDP
圖2: https://goo.gl/v5BcjC
ZMTL (夜風/瀟湘 VR板已經開板!)
2016-12-03 01:13:00只需要一顆的話,背對時的問題不知道有沒有解而且這個解如果要改動頭盔的結構,可能會另外上升成本
一顆有點豪洨... 少掉一顆馬達 但兩個依然對照還比較可
jaguars33 (要改變的太多了 就變天吧)
2016-12-03 08:53:00cost down應該是台灣的強項ㄟ
skychy (就跟你說不要那麼囉嗦..)
2016-12-03 11:03:00STEAM-> 兩顆馬達優化成用一顆,減低成本台灣 -> 兩顆馬達維持使用兩顆,但用更便宜的馬達!
作者: GameGyu (GameGyu) 2016-12-03 11:24:00
ptag720 (Guardian)
2016-12-03 11:45:00照steam的標準 不是-75%起跳嗎?
Rm (紅中)
2016-12-03 14:03:00樓上搞笑
nfsong (圖書館我來了)
2016-12-03 15:54:00成本 按照深圳來看 大概500鎂左右 量產後還要更低Steam -75% 都是 文明帝國這種 賣了又賣的老梗深圳 -> 只用一個便宜的馬達
作者: GameGyu (GameGyu) 2016-12-03 16:27:00
換心廠商:了解 可以只用一個便宜的馬達 *筆記中
NoneWolf (Forty2)
2016-12-03 18:50:00p大看來中steam毒癮很深 不過我都等-90%
nfsong (圖書館我來了)
2016-12-03 23:35:00機械成本很低的 是對岸還沒抄而已
作者: GameGyu (GameGyu) 2016-12-04 02:16:00
光電晶片反而是無法製程微縮 對岸是有錢賺就會想辦法以目前steam的做法 根本是只要你想做 連IC型號都生給你
hygen (海波)
2016-12-04 09:52:00$799-->$665,少$134,台幣4288元,台灣售價少個4000$變24000$,看起來比較可接受了吧…
nfsong (圖書館我來了)
2016-12-04 11:10:00降價指日可待